Onmyouji Arc Chapter 2: Challenge Accepted!

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"Who the hell are you guys?!", raged Suzuki as jumped out the way in time before the explosion hit him.

"You dodged, huh. I wouldn't have expected anything different from a Demon like you!", stated Ryu coldly.

"Yahooo! I'm so pumped Brother Ryu. I can feel the musical flow within me!", chortled Tempo.

"Calm it, Tempo. We have to exercise him here? Onmyouji Arts: Book 1: Page 3: Line 1: Mana Bullets!", chanted Ryu.

Ryu widened his hand and then multiple runes appeared around him. Golden Bullet like pellets come out of the runes and started pelting their way towards Suzuki. He uses Speedstar to dodge the Mana Bullets but they were coming at him too fast of a rate for Suzuki to fully dodge them. Suzuki could feel the burns as the bullets hit his body. His body bruised straight away when the bullets hit him and they gave off some type of steam as well.

"This freaking hurts! This feels like when I was in the Manakin Village. I can't take these guys lightly even though they aren't Demons. Demon Rise 5%!", yelled Suzuki as he withdrew his sword and put the bag down.

"Let I'd let you get the march, idiot. Onmyouji Arts: Talisman: Level 2: Destruction!", smirked Tempo as he suddenly slapped a talisman to the back of him.

Tempo flashes away and then clicks his fingers. The Talisman began to glow and then gave off an explosion. Suzuki went crashing forwards as the impact was too forceful for him to suppress. Standing in front of him was Melissa holding a Buddhist Staff and launched it forward towards Suzuki.

"You're...", began Suzuki

She thrusted this staff hard into Suzuki's stomach and chanted, "Onmyouji Arts: Material Talisman: Thunder Pierce!".

Yellow like lightening surrounded the top of the staff and blasted Suzuki away. Crash! Suzuki collided into the wall behind him.

"That was easy.", gloated Tempo.

"Don't rule me out just yet!!!!", shouted Suzuki as a mass amount of Demon Energy surrounded him.

"Ohhh. How interesting!", teased Tempo

"Where the hell is this energy coming from? I feel like I could push myself to 10% of my Demon Rise power.", thought Suzuki.

He looked down at his wrist and saw that the bracelet that Aotsuki gave him begin to glow. He looked up at his three targets and clutched his Suzaku and chanted 'Fujimura Style: Demon Cross of Hope Revised!'. He cut down and then across like normal and but instead of doing it in close quarters, the slash waves crashed their way towards the Onmyouji's. The massive amount of Demon Energy came crashing their way toward them but Ryu looked calm and collected. He pushed Melissa out of the way and flashed himself out of the way. Tempo wasn't quick enough to defend or move out of the way of this attack and took it head on. Puffs of smoke reached the sky once the attack landed on Tempo.

"You did one on me there, you stupid demon!", cursed Tempo as blood was dripping from his chest while he was standing.

"Where's the other one?", wondered Suzuki as he searched around him.

"It's over, Suzuki Fujimura! Onmyouji Arts: Familiar: Salamander: Breathe of the Wild!", declared Ryu as he showed up behind him throwing his Talisman.

"A Familiar!", exclaimed Suzuki.

Suddenly, once Ryu threw his Talisman, a large salamander crawled out of their. The claws of the beast made the ground tremble. It grunted and then let out a big roar. It puffed out its cheeks and let blue flames. Suzuki pushed all of his Demon Energy to the end of his blade to protect himself from the blast of flames but it wasn't enough. The power was too overwhelming and overpowered Suzuki's attempts at defence. The Salamander stopped and then crawled its way back into the Talisman. Suzuki was led flat out on the floor with burn marks all over.

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