Manakin Village Arc Chapter 9: The Purpose!

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In this chapter we will be going all the way back 38 years. Eric and his researchers have been living and working in the Manakin Village. They were there for two things, one being top secret and the other learning about freezing a Manakin to see if their soul would stay there to preserve their life. Throughout these 2 years, Eric and the researchers befriend the Village Leader, Hiroki, and somewhere down the line they looked after a young man age sixteen called Vincent Grey. The reasons they are looking after him will become clear soon.

"Long time no see, Eric! How is the research coming along?", asked Hiroki.

"It's looking good! Soon the item will soon be created!", smiled Eric.

"Good Good! How is Vincent?", queried Hiroki.

"He is fine! He is definitely going to make a great King!", stated Eric.

"Yes! After over a 100 years, there will be a King of the Manakins! And if you and him can prove that this freezing technique can work, then we will be ticking boxes all over!", praised Hiroki.

"Thank you Hiroki! After all of these years, we will be able to create a brighter future for the next generations.", thanked Eric as he thought about what is to come next.

"Ah! Old man Hiroki! You visiting!", said Vincent as he walked into the room.

"Yes! How was your training with my men?", questioned Hiroki.

"They were easy! Well.... Apart from the guy who is from the Yuusha Country.", Vincent admitted.

"Oh, Fumihiro Tanaka. He is super strong.", Hiroki pointed out.

"He is! Anyway, Uncle Eric are we going to get going with the experiment today?", Vincent asked.

"Yes! I think this is the completed injection .", smiled Eric while squeezing the end of the needle.

Now that Vincent has returned, they went into the experiment room to test out the new injection that Eric has created. When they enter the room all you see is an operating table with an operating chair. The walls was painted a navy blue and there were test results here there and everywhere. Eric pointed towards the chair to indicate that Vincent needs to get in it.

"This should be the final time you have to do this, Vincent. Then hopefully we might be able to save lots of Manakins!", told Eric.

"Brillant! Then I can properly fulfil my duties as the King of the Manakins!", bubbled Vincent.

"That's the spirit Vincent!", smiled Hiroki.

At this time, it seemed like nothing could go wrong but moments later everything comes crumbling down.

"Eric! Eric! We are under attack!", panicked one of the other researchers.

"What! By who!", quavered Eric.

"The....The.....Nova AHHHH!!!!!", screamed the researcher as he fell to ground in his own blood.

"Vincent! Eric! Use the secret passage and take the item with you! I will guard them off!", instructed Hiroki.

They went along with them orders and ran to the far wall. On the wall was a 10 digit dial and Eric quickly punched the digits in. He hands Vincent the injections and runs with him as fast as he possibly could. Little did he know that at the end of the door, there was one of the Nova henchmen lurking. It stood at around 5"8 and had silver and red hair. He was wearing all black clothes and a dragon tooth necklace.

"I smell you, fiend!", teased the Nova.

"Dammit! We are stuck!", fretted Eric.

"Don't worry! I'll take these monsters on!", said Vincent confidently.

"You can't! These are the strongest type of beings there is! You'll get yourself killed!", warned Eric.

"How can I run away from battle when I am the King of the Manakins!", boasted Vincent.

"King of the Manakins! You're the target! How lucky am I.", the Nova thought.

"Target?!", wondered Eric.

"Yes! We have deemed you a threat to the Nova Kingdom!", exclaimed the Nova.

"A threat!", gasped Vincent.

"Prepare yourself! Dragons Oath: Ryuken!", chanted the Nova.

Dragons Oath is the Nova Kingdoms type of power up. Just like in the Demon Realm, they have their Calling and their Oni-chi, in the Nova Kingdom they have the Dragons Oath and they have two different types, but that's for a different time. As he raises his fists, Vincent makes an X shape to block the move but it knocked him off his feet. Once the Nova moved his fist away a black and red energy came off his arm. Vincent quickly got on his feet and was about to attack but Eric stopped him from doing anything reckless.

"What are you doing Eric?!", shouted Vincent.

"Stop it already! Look at your arms, they're are cut and bleeding!", said Eric.

"If I don't do anything now when will I!", stated Vincent.

"You should listen to your elders King! Not that I care though.", joked the Nova.

"What's your name?!", asked Vincent.

"My name is Crayden Bellor.", Crayden answered.

"Okay Crayden! I will finish you with one blow!", said Vincent as he prepared to fight.

But before you knew it, Crayden has already made his move and injured Vincent severely. Crayden's fist pierced straight through his stomach. Crayden removed his fist and blood came pouring out of the wound. Vincent eyes looked like they lost all the light as he fell to the ground. Splat!

"Vincent!", yelled Eric.

"It's over! Hahahahaha!!!!!", laughed Crayden.

"Dammit! I'll kill you!", threatened Eric.

Crayden flashed away and back again but this time behind Eric. He hit the back of the neck which resulted in him losing consciousness. He sees the item he is looking for fell out of Eric's pocket. He picked it up and crushed it.

"Well that made my job easy! See ya later! Old man!", jested Crayden as he walked away.

Now back in present time, the three parties involved are standing right in front of each other.

"King of the Manakins?!", questioned Suzuki.

"So how did you survive, Vincent?!", inquired Eric.

"Thanks to you in some roundabout way. You see I was able to squeeze the injection into me before he struck me. I was able to survive from that. I was in comatose for over 32 years and then I woke up at Master Beezlebub! ", revealed Vincent.

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! We finally find out the past between Hiroki, Eric and Vincent and what really happened after the events. But in the next chapter something devastating is going to happen! What will it be?! Find out next time!!!!!

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