Look This Way Ayaka!!!

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The bell rang...it was the end of a school day. It was time. Time for Suzuki to try and get his childhood friend, Ayaka, to speak to him. To finally uncover the truth of why she has been avoiding him all of these years, but what is this plan that they thought of?

"Well Master, here is the plan. Once the bell goes, you rush over to her classroom so she has little time to run away." stated Shinki.

"So, we waited till the next chapter for that." Keiichineko said in a snarky way.

"But the plan is good! This way, I'll have a little chance to have a conversation with her." said Suzuki.

"Besides, you can't run on the corridor." Shinki mentioned with a bright look on his face.

The time has come. He was near Ayaka's classroom. He went to ask for her, but to Suzuki's surprise, Ayaka already went on home because she felt ill. Suzuki's faced dropped since the plan shouldn't have brought on stress. As he fell to the ground in disappointment, his sister, Hana, was coming around the corner and saw her brother looking like he is about to curl over and die. So, she runs over to check if he is alright.

"Suzuki! Are you alright?!" asked Hana.

"Yeah! I was trying to find Ayaka but she went home ill. God this sucks! I just want to patch things up and say sorry for what I've done" whined Suzuki.

"Why? What have you done?" queried Hana.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, for the past 10 years she has ignored me, and I want my curiosity to be filled." he informed.

"Ahaha! Brother, you are taking this too seriously. Of course, Ayaka doesn't hate you. She in lov... I mean she is too shy to talk to you." said Hana falling over her words.

"But, yesterday you said that she has never said that she dislikes me, and now you are saying she is too nervous to talk to me! Make your mind up!" moaned Suzuki.

After the little mix-up, Suzuki decided to try again tomorrow and see if he can make her feel comfortable talking to him again.

It was the next day, and Suzuki had his game face on! At lunch, he went to her classroom and asked to speak to her. Once all the other girl students heard that an older boy was looking for Ayaka, they all went 'Kyaa' and thought that she had a boyfriend. Finally, he won! He can finally find out why she wouldn't speak to him for all these years.

"Ayaka, I have something to ask you." Suzuki said.

Ayaka paused for a second and thought that Suzuki was going to confess. She started going red and couldn't look him in the face. She had to go. Her heart couldn't take it. She absolutely legged it, but as she did this she ran into a third-year boy.

He looked down on her and with the typical third-year delinquent look and attitude and he said, "Watch where ya going little girl or you will have to come and play with us?".

Ayaka looked scared and didn't know what to do, but out of nowhere Suzuki did a kung fu kick and knocked the third-year out. He led there unconscious and to make sure they don't get into more trouble, Suzuki grabbed hold of Ayaka's hand and ran like the wind. They ran all the way to a place that only Suzuki knows and that was the tree where he has lunch.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that then." Suzuki said sorrowfully.

"It's not your fault you helped me. Thank you." Ayaka smiled.

They talked for a long time and had a lot of fun, which reminded them of all the time they spent together as children. Before they knew it, it was time for them to go home, as they missed their final lessons. They walked home together only to see Hana shouting out to them. Now that Hana joined the conversation, it's like they're all back together again.

Keiichineko was sat on the fence and thought out loud, "What the hell was this storyline?! I mean this isn't a romance story! It's an action-comedy series!". Just as he said this another cat sat next to him and whispered in his ear, "I don't know but I've missed you, darling".

*Thank you for reading the 5th chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and please leave a vote and a comment. Who is the other cat? How is she related to Keiichineko past? Find Out Next Time!!!!!

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