A Date with Erika?! A Maidens Request!

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It is now the second week of April, and Suzuki and the others have been working hard to get stronger. They don't want to face the same issues as they did in Hashazoku. They never want to suffer an embarrassing defeat like then.

Keiichineko took Honemaru advice on not holding back any longer. The strength that the DSA members showed was an eye-opener for him. He needs to let go of the past that is shackling him down and step up to the future. He realises that the honeymoon period is over for the Clan, and he needs to get them up to scratch.

"Phew! That was a great training session!" burst Suzuki.

"I can sense that you're on the brink of getting your Commander's Demonia." told Keiichineko.

"I am? Yahooooo! I could feel the change in power, but not to this extend!" grinned Suzuki.

"I wonder if Suzuki will ever be able to obtain the Overlord's Demonia like me and Shinki?" wondered Keiichineko.

"Your attacking prowess is going up, Anna. It looks like you're going to be something special!" praised Suzuki.

"Th-Thank you..." blushed Anna.

This morning it was only Suzuki and Anna that should up to training as the others needed more of a break than them two. Shinki, however, was out doing some self-training this morning as he sees it as important to train yourself.

"Now, as for what you asked me before...Are you sure, Suzuki? That's a high-level attack we are talking about here. Plus, you haven't even unlocked your Oni-Chi!" mentioned Keiichineko.

"It's all fine, Keiichineko. I need to be able to do something at Captain level." replied Suzuki cheekily.

"I guess you're right. We won't know when your Oni-Chi will come. You are getting to the level of unlocking it." agreed Keiichineko.

"All right! I guess everything is looking up!" cheered Suzuki.

Just as they were about to head in, a familiar face popped around the corner.

"I'm glad you're here, Suzuki." 

"Erika! What can I do for you today?" asked Suzuki.

"Please go on a date with me?!" proclaimed Erika.


All three of them rubbed their ears to make sure that they heard it right.

"Wh-Whaaaaattt?!" gasped all three of them.

"Why? Why me?" stuttered Suzuki.

"Isn't that obvious? You said we would make more memories to form in my heart!" responded Erika.

"I did say that, but why a date?"

"Womaniser ~nyaa!" teased Keiichineko.

"Oi!" barked Suzuki.

Suzuki didn't really understand what was going on, but he accepted Erika's offer. He got changed out of his exercising clothes and into something less sweaty and headed out with her.

Even though Anna knew deep down that it was more than what met the eye, she couldn't help but feel stirred up inside.

Since Suzuki was starving, they both found a nice and small café near the park. They both sat out in the nice spring weather and ate an egg omelette.

"Yuuto said that saying it was a date would get you out!"

"That guy! You know, Erika, you can just ask me to hang out." 

"I see. I am not very good with this type of stuff." 

"It's okay! I'm always here to help you." 

They chatted for a while and caught up on what each other have been doing. Erika was surprised to hear about the incident on Hashazoku and never thought twice about a government run agency.

After they finished at the café, they headed towards the centre of Watarano and took a look around some shops. Erika's eyes were gleaming as she saw a cute bracelet and keyring in the window of a shop. Suzuki looked over and grinned as he never saw that side of Erika before.

Erika quickly wiped the gleam off her face and pretended not to care.

"Here, I'll get you that keyring and bracelet for you."

"I can't let you do that! It wouldn't be fair for you!"

"Hahaha! You worry about the little things, Erika. You don't need to owe me any favours, okay!"

"Thank you very much."

Suzuki picked up the keyrings and bracelets for Erika and paid for them. He also seemed to pick up some for Hikari and Anna as he thought they would like them too. Also, if they found he bought a present for Erika, he knew that Hikari would freak out about it.

They continued shopping until the day went to dusk and had a fantastic time. However, there was one more thing Erika needed to ask Suzuki.

"There's another reason why I asked you to come out today, Suzuki."

"There is?"

"I need your help. My family in the Yuusha Country need help."


Tears began to roll down Erika's cheeks as she thought about her family. She could feel the raw emotion burst from her chest as her heart began to feel heavy.

"They've been sentenced to be executed!"


"My family have butted heads with the Heads of the Yuusha Country for many years now. Somehow, they have finally been able to execute the whole family. I need to save them. I have to save them but, I don't have the power to save them! You're the only person I can turn to! So, please!"

"When is this execution meant to take place?"

"Within the next week."

Suzuki had to think of the timings, however, he already knew the answer. Erika began to worry since he didn't give her a quick answer. 

"Please...Please come to the Yuusha Country with me!"

"I said that I would make cherishable memories with you, Erika. I won't let you down! So, I will come with you!" 

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

"Give us one week and we will be in tip-top shape! I promise you!"

Now that Suzuki has agreed to help Erika and her family out, he goes home to tell Keiichineko and the others.

"Wait! We're going there?!" exclaimed Keiichineko.

"Is that a problem?" questioned Suzuki.

"Due to certain incidents that took place many moons ago, the Good Demons and the Yuusha countrymen don't see eye to eye. We will get stares, but they can't hurt us." explained Shinki.

 "Regular households can't but nobles can." chimed in Keiichineko.

"We haven't trained for nothing, Keiichineko. Have faith in our newfound ability and yourself! We can tackle any trouble that will come our way!" encouraged Suzuki.

After hearing Suzuki's beams of positivity, Keiichineko began to lay off and agreed with Suzuki's plan.

"Oh! I nearly forgot! I got these nice bracelets and keyrings for you both!" said Suzuki as he handed the presents over to Anna and Hikari.

"Thank you! Master Suzuki!" thanked Hikari.

"What is this? My heart...isn't it beating too fast?" thought Anna.

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment and a vote. Make sure to share this story too as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!

Authors Comment: This months break will be on the 26th of April! I hope you all look forward to what is to come!

Mysterious Ways!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora