Onmyouji Arc Chapter 11: Ryu and Tempo vs Suzuki and Keiichineko!

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The final battle has come! Suzuki and Keiichineko stood alongside each other staring down Ryu and Tempo.

"Onmyouji Arts: Material Talisman: Dual Dagger!", called Ryu.

"Onmyouji Arts: Talisman: Level 2: Destruction!", chanted Tempo as he throws his Talisman towards them.

Both Suzuki and Keiichineko speedstar'd out of the way of the Talisman and appeared behind Ryu and Tempo. They kicked them in the middle of their backs and then speedstar'd in front of them and swung their blades. Ryu blocked Suzuki's blade and Tempo blocked Keiichineko's. Suzuki and Keiichineko jumped away but they weren't going to let them off the hook that easily. Ryu activated the Thunder Pierce ability on his daggers and stabbed them in both of their stomachs. The thunder sent them back flying into the building behind them. Tempo blew his flute and sent some Musical Note Bombs towards them. Keiichineko quickly gets up off his feet and activates his Demonia and cuts the musical notes in half, causing less destruction.

"He cut in half?! So the cat is a Demonia user!", exclaimed Tempo.

"Woah! Demonia is amazing!", praised Suzuki.

"Nyahahahaha! Praise me! Praise me more! Suzuki!", laughed Keiichineko.

"Don't let that stop our march, Tempo! Let's go!", encouraged Ryu as he Sokudo'd over to Suzuki.

"Your trick won't work this time! Fujimura Style: Demon Cross of Hope Revised!", yelled Suzuki as he launched his attack in close quarters of Ryu.

The attack landed perfectly and made Ryu crash and roll to the floor. Suzuki Speedstar's towards Ryu so that he can finish this fight but Ryu's body turned to mist. Suzuki looks up and sees Ryu standing in the air.

"Wh..What?!", gasped Suzuki.

"Onmyouji Arts: Book 1: Page 1: Line 1: Mirage.", smirked Ryu.

"A clone?! How did he do that?!", wondered Suzuki.

"It is the most hardest move to learn when you begin yet the easiest one to do once you master it. When done right, the results prove worthy. Now then, let's continue. Onmyouji Arts: Book 1: Page 3: Line 1: Mana Bullets!", continued Ryu.

Just like the last time, runes began to develop around Ryu but this time, as he is standing in the air, the Mana Bullets rained down on Suzuki. Suzuki used his 'Fujimura Style: Demon Cross of Hope Revised' to blast the Mana Bullets away. He used his Skywalk ability to climb his way towards him. Once he reached him he just swung his sword naturally but Ryu was able to block them by clashing against his blade with his Dual Daggers.

Meanwhile, fighting on the ground is Keiichineko and Tempo. Tempo just kept playing his flute but Keiichineko was able to stop him from landing an attack as he was swiping the notes away with his Demonia. Keiichineko switched from being defensive to offensive by Speedstaring at a high speed towards Tempo and slashed across his abdomen. The pressures from the speed and the force from the attack made Tempo go flying back but he was able to stop himself from crashing into anything behind him.

"That was some power, Cat Demon.", praised Tempo.

"Nyahahahaha! Well thank you, Tempo.", thanked Keiichineko.

"Don't call my name so casually, you filthy Demon!", cursed Tempo.

"Nyaa~! All of you humans are the same. You all belittle us Demons even though we are apart of the Good Demon Realm. It's like this with every Onmyouji or Yuusha countrymen. You always want to slay a Demon whether they are good or evil. The teachings of the pasts have done this. Adam and Eve will look on disgrace with the way the world has gone.", explained Keiichineko.

"Our teachings? What do you mean? It's common knowledge that Demons, whether they are good or bad, cause the most pain and hurting for this world. The Good Demon Realm are just full of weaklings who have not done anything productive for hundreds of years. You're all just a bunch of failures.", gibed Tempo.

"Take that back.", murmured Keiichineko..

"I don't think I will.", replied Tempo cheekily.

Since Tempo wouldn't take back his words against the Good Demon Realm, Keiichineko's mind went blank and filled with anger. He caked his blade full with his Demon Energy and slowly walked towards Tempo. The Demon Pressure he was giving off made Tempo freeze with fear. Keiichineko slammed his foot down and lifted his head high above his head! Crash! Before Keiichineko did something stupid, Suzuki flashed in front of him and deflected his blade.

"What are you doing, Keiichineko?!", shouted Suzuki.

"Huh?", said a dazed Keiichineko.

"Fujimura! Big Brother Tempo!", worried Melissa.

"I know it's troubling that it seems like every race is against us but we can't succumb to their bigotry! We need to prove our worth by doing things that Onmyouji's and Yuusha Countrymen would never do and help them understand!", declared Suzuki.

"I..I'm sorry.", apologised Keiichineko.

"I don't know what happened to you in the past that triggered you to do something so unlike you but.. don't worry! We are with you now and I will destroy this motion once I become the Good Demon Lord!", vowed Suzuki.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! It seems like Suzuki and Keiichineko are getting heated but will they be able to overcome that in the next chapter?! Find out next time!!!!

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