Capitani Leggeri Arc Chapter 6: Time To Face The Real World!

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"Suzuki! Where the hell have you been?! You were supposed to be back a few days ago?!", exclaimed Himari who was sat in Suzuki's bedroom waiting with Hana and Ayaka.

"You guys! What are you doing in my room?!", returned Suzuki.

"Honestly.....we've been worried sick! We though you died! Oh, and some fresh wounds by the looks of things!", inspected Himari as she was looking around Suzuki.

"Don't lift my shirt up!", barked Suzuki.

"They look painful, are you okay, Suzuki?", asked Ayaka.

"I'm fine! Anyway, I have some news.", started Suzuki.

"News?", questioned Hana.

"Yeah! I am now a member Ricognizione Leggeri", revealed Suzuki.

"What's that?", quizzed Himari.

"It's a position in the Good Demon Realm, rewarded to people who have done great in any troubles they have faced since the start of their journey. This means that Suzuki will now have a better chance of getting into the Capitani Leggeri if he continues to keep up his potential.", explained Keiichineko.

"Does that mean you guys will be put in more danger?", fretted Ayaka.

"Hm? Maybe? Who knows?", said Suzuki lackadaisically.

"He's hiding the true answer...", thought Ayaka.

"Ahhhhh!! I'm hungry and tired! I guess I'll get some food and hit the hay!", yawned Suzuki as he was thinking about food.

And so, they all had a mini feast to celebrate Suzuki's accomplishment and Shinki's return and put their heads down for the night.

However, something was bothering Suzuki about the inquisition that Mr Bushido made him. He trained the wrong Fujimura? He was waiting for me? What did that mean? He never mentioned this to his mum as he knew that she could stop him from finding out. Not trying to find out about it, he closed his eyes and silently went to sleep.

"You're just weak, brother! Now, let me tarnish everything you've worked so hard for.", said a mysterious voice.

"This is where you are wrong, brother, the things that I worked hard for, all the pain me and my friends have gone through won't die! This will we bear will come to light in the future and I'm 100% positive that your plans will be destroyed by our successors! You will see!", responded this random man.

Stab! The man pierced the blade into the other mans heart and killed him in cold blood.....

It was at that moment that Suzuki woke up screaming in anguish. He panted very hard and grabbed his chest as if he was the one that was stabbed. The bracelet was glowing bright blue and Demon Energy was surrounding him.

"What's the matter, Suzuki?!", panicked Anna.

"Will......The Will! What is it?", wondered Suzuki as he was trying to shake himself out of his confused and panicked state.

"Will?", queried Keiichineko as he also woke up.

"It''s nothing. It must have been a bad dream or something haha.", laughed Suzuki nervously.

"Dream! Nyaaa! Don't scare us like that!", meowed Keiichineko as he tucked himself back into a ball.

Or was it?

The next morning, Suzuki returned to school and noticed that he was getting a lot of looks since he had loads of bandages wrapped around him.

"Man! Everyone is gonna think I am a ruthless delinquent. To top it all off, I have been missing for awhile too.", sighed Suzuki as he walked into the classroom.

Just as he entered, he could feel all the a bunch of stairs coming from his friends and his teacher. Trying to ignore them, Suzuki pretended he didn't see any of them and sat at his desk, but that was his biggest mistake. As he sat down, Akari-Sensei towered over the desk and had a unhappy face while looking at Suzuki.

"Erm......What's with the face, Akari-sensei?!", panicked Suzuki as he could feel more and more pressure coming from his teacher and friends.

"Do you know how worried we have been? It's another week with you being wrapped in bandages! Now explain! Why are you so fixated on getting strong?!", demanded Akari-Sensei.

"One day, I will reveal the reason, but right now I can't. If I get you all involved with my reasoning, I don't think I can live with the decision. So, please just believe in me.", told Suzuki with slight smile on his face.

"I'll say it again. I won't stop until I find. As your teacher, I have some form of responsibility to make sure my students are fine.", responded Akari-Sensei.

"I don't think I can agree with your response but I will respect your decisions. However, if I ever find you in a position that you have put yourself in danger, I will stop you with all might.", stated Yuuto.

"You're not going to get yourself killed with whatever you are doing, Suzuki?", whispered Melissa.

"Of course not! I can feel it, my powers are getting stronger.", smiled Suzuki convincingly.

"Kawamoto-san! What are you two whispering about?! Do you know something that we don't!", Ino pointed out.

"Okay, okay! That's enough querying for now. I'm here and alive and that's all that matters. Now let's learn! Okay?", Suzuki diverted.

And so, his friends have, once again, gotten off his back and believe that he will be fine..

Two weeks have passed now and Suzuki and the others are now ready to head over to Hashazoku.

"I've missed you guys, are you ready?! I'm excited!", bubbled Miyu.

"Of course! Let's go!! Towards Hashazoku we gooo!!!", yelled Suzuki.

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! Make sure to share this story too as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!!!!!

Authors Comment: This is now the end of the Capitani Leggeri Arc! I know it was short but it was definitely needed to push the story forward. Starting next chapter, we will be in the Hashazoku's Secrets Arc!

I would like to thank  for helping me with the setting and certain elements that are coming in the upcoming arc!

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