Onmyouji Arc Chapter 3: The Beginning of the Battle! Demons vs the Onmyouji's!

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After all the commotion from this morning, Suzuki goes to the his famous spot, the school tree, to see what Melissa wanted to discuss with him. The clouds were grey and there was a little bit of a breeze but it was warm enough for them sit under the tree which was surrounded by the fallen golden yellow leaves.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Kawamoto?", asked Suzuki.

"I....I....just want to apologies for my brothers actions!", apologized Melissa.

"Huh?! Is this some kind of trick?!", guarded Suzuki.

"No...No...it's not. I know that you are a good person, Fujimura. We've always somehow ended up in the same class, so I've always been watching you.", blushed Melissa.

"Eh?! How can a shy girl like you say something as embarrassing as that.", gasped Suzuki.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!", panicked Melissa.

"See, you are a womanizer, Suzuki.", called Erika as she popped out of nowhere.

"Master Suzuki! How could you?!", pressured Hikari as she jumped on him.

"It's not like that, you guys!", exclaimed Suzuki.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!", Melissa apologized once again.

Suzuki tries to clear up the misunderstanding that both Erika and Hikari seem to have taken and explains the conversation they are about to have. Suzuki tells Melissa that Hikari is a part of his Clan and that Erika is from the Yuusha Country so they all know about Suzuki's Demon powers.

"Anyway, why does your Family have against us?", questioned Suzuki.

"I can't really explain it right now but I've tried to convince them that you are one of the good guys but they just won't listen. I had to go through with their attack on you or they would abandon me! You've got to understand me, Fujimura!", explained Melissa.

"It's okay, just calm down, Kawamoto.", said Suzuki calmly.

"I'm sorry! I really didn't want to hurt you that evening. Please forgive me.", begged Melissa.

"Don't worry! I forgive you but that won't stop me from declining their challenge against us.", affirmed Suzuki.

"But.....", stuttered Melissa.

"The only way for us to get them of our backs is to show them the truth and things like this can only be shown by clashes.", told Suzuki.

"Ah men! Seems like a clash of prides, if you ask me.", Erika chimed in.

"I..see. We are very strong though.", pointed out Melissa.

"Ohhh! I thought you didn't want this to happen but you big them up. This isn't apart of any tactic, is it?", teased Suzuki.

"It's not!", spilled Melissa.

"I'm just joking. It looks like our break is over. Thanks for the conversation, Melissa. Oh and just to let your brothers know, my clan aren't pushovers, so come at us with your full power!", declared Suzuki.

After that conversation took place, they all went back to class and went through their normal day.

A few days have passed by and it is the day of the battle between the Fujimura Clan and the Kawamoto Clan. They all met in the middle of the city ready for the battle ahead of them.

"So you came, Fujimura.", smirked Tempo.

"Of course! I came to beat all of your asses!", responded Suzuki.

"What a crude mouth, even though he is cute.", hissed Manami.

"They all look weak. I'd take them all on easy, Ryu.", Zen Claimed.

"I feel like this will be a waste of time, Ryu.", demurred Banko.

"You youngsters are so cocky but I can see where you are coming from.", boasted Yua.

"Shut it, you lot. You are forgetting the roles of the proud Kawamoto family. We never take enemies for granted. I expected more from you, grandmother.", condemned Ryu.

"You're just like your father alright!", Yua compared.

"Enough of this trash talk. Let's begin!", yelled Suzuki.

"Not yet, Fujimura. Onmyouji Arts: Book 2: Page 7: Line 5: Masked Protection.", chanted Ryu as he crossed his fingers.

As he chanted his move, a giant puff of smoke and a ray of warm light flashed across the whole city. This move masked all the people wondering around the city and protects them from any danger. People can also not see them so they can fight with the issue of them being seen as well. The only problem is that any damages to buildings or the area are still sustained.

"Even though they are the enemy, there power is amazing.", praised Hebi.

"Onmyouji Arts: Book 1: Page 1: Line 3: Collective Split.", said Ryu.

All of a sudden, everyone started to glow a different colour. Ryu clicked his fingers and then everyone were sent off in a different location expect from Suzuki, Keiichineko, Tempo and Melissa.

"What the hell just happened?!", wondered Suzuki.

"I sent them all into different parts of the city. That way it can keep the damage down to a minimum. Now to settle this, Onmyouji Arts: Book 2: Page 1: Line 3: Mana Prison.", answered Ryu as he launched an attack.

He pointed at both Suzuki and Keiichineko and then a prison made out of light surrounded the both of them. Due to it being an Onmyouji move and containing Mana, it made the both of them weak as they both fell to their knees. Then, a light like monitor popped up in front of them displaying where all of them have gone.

"Now sit there and watch. I can't afford you two to get involved with their battles. Melissa! I know you don't want to fight so you can stay guard. Tempo, we are going to watch from afar.", commanded Ryu as he zapped away.

"Looks like we have been had. Nyahahahaha!", laughed Keiichineko.

"This isn't the time for jokes, you stupid cat! Ergh!", complained Suzuki as he began to cough due to feeling weak.

"I'm so sorry once again, Fujimura. I tried to stop them all but they wouldn't hear me out.", told Melissa.

"It's okay, Kawamoto. Looks like they know you don't want to get involved so they let you guard. I guess we are going to have to watch from the sidelines, huh, Keiichineko.", sighed Suzuki.

"Nyahahahaha! I'm sure everyone will be fine. It all depends on if they can handle the Onmyouji's mana. Ahhhh! If only there was enough time to teach them that technique!", meowed Keiichineko.

"What's that technique?", inquired Suzuki.

"You'll see. Well, for now let's just enjoy the show.", Keiichineko covered up.

"Huh? It seems like Shinki is the first one in battle.", Suzuki pointed out.

"He's going up against, Zen. He is the next Prodigy next to my Elder Brother Ryu.", mentioned Melissa.

Near one of the main roads leading to the shopping center in Watarano, stands both Shinki and Zen. They both look at each other with a strong intent to defeat one another. It's like no one can stop them.

"Wait a minute, have we finally given a name on where we live?", asked Shinki.

"There is no time for that, Wonderdog!", called the Creator.

"Don't look away from it!", shouted Zen as he threw a Talisman towards him.

"Like that will stop me! Enraged Beast: Blitz!", replied Shinki as he burnt the Talisman.

And so, their battle begins!

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! In the next chapter we will see the battle between both Shinki and Zen! What powers does the Prodigy possess?! Find out next time!!!!

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