Yuusha Country Arc Chapter 13: Bad Blood! Tatsumoto vs Watanabe!

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For centuries, there have been two families that have been predominant throughout the history books, and they are the Watanabe and Tatsumoto family.

The weapon, Excalibur, is one of the main reasons why the Watanabe family has been plastered all over history. The weapon has helped so many people out, and the light it produces is the ray that everyone needed to see. It is truly a heroic blade.

As for the Tatsumoto family, they have always been noted for their brightly coloured hair and strength. They always fight alongside the Watanabe family and have always been loyal to each other. 

However, the other thing that makes the Tatsumoto special is that they have the power of Amaterasu and Prometheus on their side. 

Just like the Watanabe family, they have a precious sword that is passed down to the next generation. That blade is called the Blazefury!

"The blade that is only enabled by the one it chooses...the Blazefury. I never thought I'd see the day that it would be pointed at me, Kenzou," said Hiroto.

Ignoring Hiroto's comment, Kenzou lunged forward with his steel coloured blade and began to jab it towards him. Hiroto brushed away the sword seamlessly and stepped in to launch a powerful strike. However, since Kenzou's blade was lighter than Hiroto's, he was able to retract it back to himself quickly. Doing so allowed Kenzou to block the violent swing from Hiroto.

Kenzou activated his sun powers and pointed them towards Hiroto.

"Kagayaku: Shining Ray!"

Shining Ray is a move that sends off multiple beams of solar power towards its intended target. 

The power blasted out towards Hiroto who tried to counter the beam with one of his own. The beams collided together and caused a massive ball of energy. Luckily, the power dispersed almost instantly but caused a massive energy blast.

"I felt the days of our sworn loyalty to your family was beginning to number." Kenzou pointed out.

"You did? Why did you feel like that?" wondered Hiroto sarcastically.

"The answer to that is simple. You were tempted by a demon." accused Kenzou.

"That is preposterous! If I was tempted by a demon, why would I start a war with them?" countered Hiroto.

"The demon promised you power if you killed a specific demon, and that would be the Demon Lord Hiromitsu. You knew the pot was boiling over with the tolerance level of the demons, so you used that to your advantage." 

"Hahahha! That's an interesting theory you have got there, Kenzou. I understand the power accusation, but why would killing thousands of my men be beneficial?"

"The reason why you would do that is that you have a hatred for demons. You wanted to cause a war to kill all the demons, gain the power you was promised and then kill the demon that has tempted you."

"If that theory of yours is true, why would you be bothered? Our men have made their own choice to lay down their lives to eradicating the evil. I am here to protect the weak, that is all." 

"That is a lie, Hiroto."


"You said that this was the place that my wife died, right?"

"Yes. What is wrong with that?"

"I thought that her death was weird. She was strong, but she died a gruesome death. When I found her, I only sensed a trace of Demon Energy and I never told anyone about where she died and how. Yet, you knew that she died here."

"Hmph! Your deduction is on point. To think that this would slip me up. I guess that is true love for you, huh."

"Let me ask you one question...Were you involved in my wife's death?"


Anger truly entered Kenzou's emotions. He flashed towards Hiroto and swung his blade violently. He couldn't care less about using any fancy powers. He just wanted his blade to slash the flesh of this monster.

"Why are you so angry at me? I am not the one who killed her. It was a demon." 

"That doesn't matter! I hate the demon who killed my wife and I hate you for allowing it to happen!"

"So why are you so insistent on making a bridge between us and the demons?"

"Because someone else's actions don't mean that they are all like that! You idiot!"

"Your anger is going to be the downfall of you, Kenzou."

Suddenly, Hiroto brushed the emotionally unstable Kenzou's blade easily and struck Kenzou with his Warstrike.

This knocked Kenzou back very far, and he slammed into a large rock that was behind him. Kenzou tried to shake off the pain, so that could continue his fight with Hiroto. However, Hiroto was already in front of the weakened Kenzou.

"This is it, Kenzou Tatsumoto."

Just as Hiroto came in for the final swing, a whirlwind appeared right in front of them both.


Sparks came off both blades that clashed together.

"Suddenly, my boredom has come back. Let me repay my debt to you and finish this off for you, Kenzou Tatsumoto." smiled Hiromitsu as he came out of the whirlwind of cherry blossoms.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed it, please leave a comment and a vote. Make sure to share this story too, as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!

Authors Comment: There will be two chapters uploaded this week. I have an important task coming up which will hopefully bring an end to my apprenticeship! I hope you all understand!

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