Inu Colony Invasion Arc Chapter 12: Ringleader Rill!

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The room that Suzuki was destined for was pitch black. Darkness surrounded him and Suzuki could not sense any Demon Pressure in the room either. He felt his way around the room but he just couldn't find anything to latch onto. It was as if there was nothing in the room....

"What the hell is going on here? I can't see anything!"

"Hmph! Hahahahha! So, it was the captain that came here to face me and not his right hand man, Keiichineko! How interesting! Not only that, you are alone too. What a foolish mistake!", called a mysterious voice.

"I take it that you are the famous Rill that everyone is talking about! Give Shinki back! Give Selina back too while you are at it!"

"Famous? Me? I've merely shot up in this world. My ambitions are far bigger than that, Mr Suzuki Fujimura."


"Yes! They are far bigger than avenging my clan! I will bring this whole world to its knees!"

"How do you plan to do that?"

"That's very simple! By using the very thing that destroyed my brethren in the first using the Haul Bringer!"

"......The Haul Bringer......"

"That stupid power killed all of the people that I cared for. And now the Good Demon Realm have some form of possession on it. I heard they called it Project 'Alisha'. I just need to get my hands on that Project 'Alisha' and go on my long awaited rampage."

"What good will that bring? Wasn't the Inu Realm supposed to have been this peaceful nation?"

"You're far from the truth, Suzuki Fujimura. We were dogs to that Akimitsu! We was used by him as bait to leer them Delta's in! We was just pawns upon the blood soaked chess board!"

"That's not true and you know it!"

"Oh but it is! You just don't want to accept that the main leader in your whole world is just as evil as the rest of us. I'm gonna bring an end to this whole mess of the world! I'm gonna make sure that the ground is filled with the lives of millions! I will kill all them pesky Delta's and the Good Demon Lord himself! The Nova Kingdom will rise!"

"The Nova Kingdom?! Why are you mentioning them?"

"That doesn't really matter, Suzuki Fujimura! Now it is over! Void: Sink!"

Not been able to dodge anything has he could not see anything at all, Suzuki took the hit and began to sink in the ground. Fear trembled through his body as he was not used to this sensation. 

"Dammit! I can't break through!!"

"Convenient: Light!", casted a mysterious voice.


Suddenly, a light entered the room and the contents were revealed. The room was more like a storage room more than anything. As Suzuki was eyes adjusted, he noticed his saviour.

"Selina!", exclaimed Suzuki.

"Convenient: Lift!", chanted Selina.

She tapped Suzuki on the back and he automatically lifted up. She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away.

"Convenient: Darkness and Mute!"

The light in the room faded to black once more and the voice of Rill was mute. Since Selina was touching Suzuki when she activated the mute ability, them two were able to speak to each other without making any noise.

"You saved me back there, thanks!"

"It's no problem. You're here to save Shinki, aren't you?"

"Yeah! And you as well!"

"Me? Why me?"

"Isn't it obvious? You're important to Shinki, so that means that you are important to us too."

Selina blushed a little after hearing that Shinki is important to her, but she tries to conceal her excitement.

"I....I see. I hate to disappoint you but I am far from saved."

"What do you mean?"

"Rill will do whatever is in his power to defeat anyone in his way, even if it means death! The only winner in this would be Yozo!"

"Why would his death mean that you won't be saved?"

"You see...."

Just as Selina was about to answer, a white circle surrounded the bottom of Suzuki and it seemed he was fading away.

"That Rill.....He is using his Personal Space power! Let me unmute you but before you go, please tell Shinki this..."

She leans in and tells him the message. Suzuki looked confused as if it was the last encounter. She released her power and Suzuki passed on to the Void. Just like last time, the space was just pure white with a mahogany floor.

"How unfortunate, Suzuki Fujimura. You thought that you outsmarted me but that was far from the truth!"

"Shut up! This is a prime spot for me to whoop your ass!"

Rill clicked his fingers and then all of a sudden, a massive pole came from the ground and it had Shinki tied to it.

"Master Suzuki!", yelled Shinki.

"Shinki!", smiled Suzuki as he yelled back in happiness.

"How nice but this reunion won't last long! Demon Arts: Inu Style: Wolf Blast!"

Rill opened up his palm wide and shot out a power beam towards Suzuki. With a determined look in his eyes, he used his Demon Energy and his Demonia to disperse the blast with ease!

"How impressive! Suzuki Fujimura!"

"Yeah well, that impressiveness will wipe the floor with you!"

And so, the final battle was about to begin!

 *Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! Make sure to share this story too as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!!!!

Authors Note: I'm going to be honest here....I nearly completely forgot about Selina in this arc! Luckily my brain speared into action before it was too late.

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