Inu Colony Invasion Arc Chapter 14: Honemaru's Control!

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Now that Suzuki's mind is out of a haze, he regains consciousness in the realm where Honemaru resides. He takes a look around him to see that the scenery has not changed one bit. The place was still dull and cold and the atmosphere was just like that too.

"Throw away my humanity?"

"Simple enough, huh?"

Suzuki looked frightened as he heard the bargaining of his cursed spirit.

"And what if I don't?"

"If you don't throw it away....I will force it away from you. So, what will it be?!"

"The answers obvious......I am going to have to decline!"

"I see....that's a shame. Honemaru: Spiders Legs!"

Suddenly, eight leg like bones bursted out of the back of Honemaru and fiercely went towards Suzuki. He waves his fists around thinking he has his blade on him but then remembers that he is inside the consciousness of Honemaru. He evades attacks by rolling out the way instead but one of the bone like legs scrapped his arm.

"Look here, brat. You have all this potential yet some of your peers are better than you."


"I can sense it all around you. At this current time, I'd say that your the third strongest in your clan. The punk you are trying to save is the second strongest and that cat is the quite clearly the first."

"So what? We are here to help each other! It doesn't matter who is stronger than who!"

"You are far from the truth, brat. Teamwork may be important but have you ever thought about drive and power. If you, the Captain, falls too easily then your team will also falter. It's common sense!"


"There's no buts about it! You're too weak to call yourself a Captain!"

"Shut up! Fujimura Kempo Style: One Inch Gun!"

Suzuki got good grip of the floor and tensed his body evenly. He stepped in quickly and went to punch Honemaru in the ribs but it was futile.

"....Too bad...."

One of his Spider Legs sliced up his arm. Blood sprayed everywhere as Suzuki collapsed to the floor. He could feel that his breathing was getting heavy and out of control, which led him to panic.

"Why do you continue to disappoint me, brat?"

"Sh.....Shut up!"

"Did I strike a nerve? Oh, I guess I did! Stop panicking! I guess I never explained to you what this place is, huh?

Suzuki was too invested in the large gash in his arm to pay any attention to Honemaru.

"Listen! That wound won't inflict on your real body!"


"The only damage that will take place by that attack is your soul."

"My soul?"

"For me to interact with you, I snap the bond between your body and your soul and force you into the Soul Realm. This is where all the Cursed Spirits live!"

"This is....the Soul Realm!"

"Yes! Now look at your arm...."

"What? The cut is gone!"

"See?! The only damage taken is to your soul. Something like that won't affect your being at all but if someone was to completely wipe you out with a powerful attack in the Soul Realm, then it is game over"

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