Manakin Village Arc Chapter 11: I'll Protect Them! Suzuki's Promise!

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"Dammit! Eric!", worried Hiroki.

"Anna! Get over there and heal him quick!", commanded Suzuki.

She nodded her head and went over to Eric's side but as she got there she knew it was too late. The slash was deeper than the black hole. Anna is nowhere near the level to heal such a big wound but she tried her best.

"Can you still hear me?! Granddad Eric!", sobbed Jacob.

"Ja....Jacob!", stammered Eric.

"Please don't strain yourself, Grandad Eric!", fretted Maria.

"No.....I have to say this! I know for the longest time you have been wanting to find something you can do like your sister. I know you struggled with accepting the death of your parents and liking the demons but I am proud of you! Same to you too Maria! To be able to create such great medical balls at your age is incredible! But I want Jacob to carry on my legacy!", preached Eric.

"You still bumbling on! I'll finish off the job. Die!!!!", threatened Vincent.

As he went in for the killing blow, there was someone there to stop him and it was...Suzuki! He was in his Rise form once more but it looked different this time. Vincent was smacked down in the ground once more but it felt more stronger than last time.

"Dammit!", croaked Vincent.

"Are you okay?!", asked Suzuki as he puts his whole body in front of them.

"Yeah! Thank you Suzuki!", thanked Maria.

"Eric! I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect you but I promise... I promise that I will protect both of them! We will get out of this situation without getting hurt!", declared Suzuki.

"Yeah! Please....Suzuki!", begged Eric.

"Leave it to me! Now let's go! Rise 100%: Temporary Demon!", chanted Suzuki.

Here it is! Suzuki's new form. As we all know, the Rise power is a temporary boost that allows the user to drag out their inner demon. Suzuki has never been able to handle the power of Rise but during his training in his break, he was able to overcome that.

There were black markings and symbols all over his body and face. Black wings disbursed from his back and large energy like black horns formed on the top of his head. Black energy covered his hands to his elbow and claws were now his hands. The same went for his feet. Vincent got back up and wiped the dirt off his face and spitted out more blood than he did before.

"What the hell are you?!", shouted Vincent.

Suzuki breathed back in and out and he suddenly zoom right to the side of Vincent using Speedstar for the first time. As he got there he used another new move called 'Rise: Deluxe Hornet!', this moved made all the Rise power flow into the leg, putting all of his strength to create a great amount of pressure to be released. This sent Vincent all the way across the map but Suzuki was not done there, he used Speedstar once more and used another move called 'Rise: Down Smash!', causing Suzuki to full on hit him down towards the ground. To stop his quick advances, Vincent used a move called 'Freddo: Chilled Cube!', this put up some sort of barrier which made Suzuki bounce off it.

"Damn you! I'll show you! Demon Arts: Demon Blast!", raged Vincent.

The beam seemed miles bigger than it did the first time but Suzuki still used the same tactic as last time, which was to put his arm out and stop the blast that but this time it succeeded.

However, this time the pressure was too big which caused blood to burst out of his arm. Seeing this as a chance, Vincent moved quickly towards Suzuki and used his ' Freddo: Ice Slash' and getting a good shot on him. He now kept up the pressure and fired off another moved called ' Freddo: Icicle Drive!', this caused his blade to look like it extended with the icicle like blade. He jabbed it straight towards Suzuki and Suzuki tried to block it but that failed as the piece of ice went straight through his right shoulder. Vincent then said 'Expand' so that the icicle in Suzuki's would spread all over his body. Suzuki smashed the icicle but it was too little too late. Suzuki collapsed to the floor and couldn't move an inch.

"Serves you right!", bragged Vincent.

"Shit! I can't move!", complained Suzuki.

"Suzuki!", yelled Keiichineko.

"Move! Mooooooove!!!!!!", thought Suzuki.

As Vincent moved closer to slam his sword right through his lungs, Suzuki gave off a very strong demon pressure. A black skull with a purple glow formed behind Suzuki making Vincent's fear factor rise. He took a leap backwards to get away from Suzuki but that wasn't enough. Suzuki rose up as if he was a zombie and slowly moved towards him.

"He's.....he's.....he's a true demon!!!", Vincent said with a feared tone.

"It's over for you.....VINCENT! RISE: DELUXE SKULL BULLET!!!!!!!!!!!!", screamed Suzuki.

Just like his Deluxe Bullet, his skull version is a more powerful version. With imagery of the skulls appearing on his fist, every punch from Suzuki's side was filled with emotion but from Vincent's side it was filled with fear.

Smack! Pow! Bang! Punches after punches after punches came crashing on Vincent causing him to lose consciousness, he could see his life flash before his eyes. To wrap all of it up, Suzuki finishes the combo with a 'Rise: Deluxe Skull!', a skull shaped punched to the jaw caused Vincent to flop to the floor. Powerful gust of wind was produced as the final blow landed. It was over!

"He did it!", breathed Anna as she sighed some relief.

"Th...Thank you, Suzuki! You fulfilled your promise. Now I can rest. I love you both, Maria and Jacob.", cried Eric.

His hand dropped to the floor...

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! Suzuki overpowered Vincent to the max!!! However, we may have lost someone to the incident! What happens next?! Find out next time!!!

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