Hashazoku Secrets Arc Chapter 8: Time Breeder! Secret Agent Number 5!

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Suzuki pulls the blade out of Secret Agent No.7's shoulder and tried to go in for another strike. However, the other Secret Agent focused his attention now on Suzuki. In the corner of his eye, he could see a rampaging Secret Agent No.5 closing in on him with the runes wrapped around his wrist.

Anticipating a great attack, Suzuki Speedstar's out of the way of the Secret Agent's way and watches him punch into the side of a nearby tree. The strength of the punch was that hard that it caused the large tree to split in half like it was nothing.

"He broke the tree like it was nothing! Just what is this guy?", thought Suzuki.

"Oi, Number 5! Do you want me to chain him down?", asked Secret Agent No.7.

"No, you keep your eyes on that sneaky cat behind you. I can handle the brat.", replied Secret Agent No.5

Secret Agent No.7 quickly turned around and saw that Keiichineko was sneaking up behind him. With his blade ready to cut him down, Keiichineko activates his 'Keiichineko Style: Tigre Ice Slash'.

"Like I'd let you do that to me! Majustu: Pounder's Hex.", called Secret Agent No.7.

He put his palm in front of Keiichineko's face and created a magical hex. Six magical fists came out of this hex at once and whacked Keiichineko. They all landed in areas that would wind Keiichineko and cause him a loss of breath.

Shaking off the pain, Keiichineko goes in for another strike, but Secret Agent No.7 keeps activating multiple hex's to keep him away. To help him out, Shinki decided to turn his attention towards Secret Agent No.7 and take him on.

"Eat this! Demon Arts: Inu Style: Wolf's Corkscrew.", yelled Shinki.

Shinki builds up some speed and spins his legs around with some pace. He jumps up and aims towards Secret Agent No.7 in hopes of stopping his magic.

"Stupid dog! You do realise that I have two hands.", grinned Secret Agent No.7 menacingly.

With a crazed look in his eyes, Secret Agent No.7 activated his Primal power and coated his hand with it.


Secret Agent No.7 was able to stop Shinki's attack with ease and threw him to the ground. He spread out his fingers and lifted the hand above his head.

"Majustu: Cow's Bite.", shot Secret Agent No.7.

He placed his hand with the Primal power activated and squeezed his belly hard. This gave Shinki a crushing feeling. It was as if he was about to have his whole insides took out from him and there was nothing he could do about it. As Secret Agent No.7 released his hand away from his belly, blood shot out of Shinki's mouth at an alarming rate.

"Shinki!", worried Anna.

"Dammit! I can't let this continue to go on. Keiichineko Style: Tigre Breakpoint.", responded Keiichineko.

With this power, Keiichineko was able to split open and disperse Secret Agent No.7's power. He closed in on him and broke through his Primal armour using his ice slash.

"I'm counting on you, Miyu.", told Keiichineko.

"Okay! Come to life, my Cursed Spirit...Yuki-Onna.", called Miyu.

Miyu put her blade out in front of her and let the ice flourish across her sword and body. Ice wrapped around her clothing, creating nice little icicles to dangle off her. Ice grew at the bottom of her short kimono and made it look fresh and long. The ribbon in her hair turned from pink to silver and wrapped around her neck. Miyu's hair turned pure white and went down to the bottom of her back. Her eyes switched from natural pink to golden yellow. 

She used her attack called 'Yuki-Onna: Hails Bliss', which pelted Secret Agent No.7 with millions of hailstones. This attack hurts the user it is intended for but can heal her teammates too. Only Miyu can control who it heals and who it hurts by the thoughts in her mind.

"Is that all you've got?!", jested Secret Agent No.7.

"Ara? Let me make sure you stay down then.", sassed Miyu.

"Has Miyu's personality changed?", Hebi queried.

"Seems like it.", sighed Anna.

"Yuki-Onna: Dry Ice.", chanted Miyu.

She pressed her hands on her lips and breathed out what seemed to be an iced breath. Secret Agent No.7 tried to defend himself against this by using his Primal coating but the power of Miyu's cursed spirit was too strong. The ice grew all over his body and froze him solid.

"He's down!", cheered Hebi.

"This isn't the time for a celebration! Master Suzuki is in trouble.", Hikari pointed out.

Everyone looked up towards the sky and saw Suzuki and Secret Agent No.5 were still fighting. Suzuki was struggling against him due to his raw strength.

"Just where are you finding this strength?", wondered Suzuki.

"It's my power, Time Breeder.", revealed Secret Agent No.5.

"Time Breeder?", quizzed Suzuki.

"Time is my weapon. I can use it to enhance my strength and stop and start time. All I need to do is grab ahold of you and drain the life force out of you.", explained Secret Agent No.5.

"Fat chance of that happening! Fujimura Style: Demon Cross of Hope Revised.", exclaimed Suzuki.

Suzuki launched his attack at Secret Agent No.5, but he was able to defend against it with ease. He brushes the power to one side and quickly makes his way to Suzuki. He grabs his face and falls to the ground with him.


Secret Agent No.5 slams Suzuki to the ground, causing a mass amount of blood to pour out of the back of his head. Secret Agent No.5 used his 'Majutsu: Exploding Sole' and stomped his feet across the ground to gain power. He jumped and two-footed Suzuki's chest.

Secret Agent No.5 picked up Suzuki by the face and threw him across the area. This resulted in Suzuki crashing into a pile of rocks. He pulls out what seems to be a mini knife and throws it into Suzuki's chest and chanted a move called 'Majustu: Demon Sealing'.

"Your time is over, Demon!", smirked Secret Agent No.5.

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! Make sure to share this story too as we are trying to hit 1000 reads!!!!!

Authors Comments: The clocks went forward here in the UK and it really through me! I still managed to get my average 8 hours in though.

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