Scaly Thunder #2

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"Welcome back Keiichinekoo-saaaan! You' human form! Amazing!", stated Anna boldly.

"We haven't got time for that Anna! As you can see Suzuki is losing a lot of blood!", exclaimed Keiichineko.

Keiichineko led Suzuki down on the floor and Anna performed her healing arts on him. The power Anna possess is to make the wound close back up and make the pain go numb. She can develop it further and even go as far to heal a whole body that has lost way too much blood. However, at this moment of time this is the extent to her power.

After at least half an hour, the crack in Suzuki's head that was created when he hit his head too hard from Hebi's punch has finally sealed back up. His breathing rate went back to normal and he looked like he was sleeping like a kitten. Anna put his head upon her legs to give keep the circulation of the blood at a normal level.

Keiichineko explained the situation to Anna and why such a bad injury was inflicted on Suzuki. As Keiichineko suggested that they lay Suzuki down properly, a sudden loud voice and a large face came peeking through the window.

"MASTER SUZUKI!!!!!!", screamed WonderDog.

"WonderDog! You're being too loud~nyaa!!!!!", replied Keiichineko with an angry tone in his voice.

"It's Shinki!", said Shinki angrily.

"Will the both of you shut up?! Can't you see that he's trying to rest here!", Anna said harshly.

"Woah! I thought I'd never see the day that Anna would speak back to Keiichineko.", Shinki gasped.

"I'm sorry darling! I didn't mean it.", apologised Anna.

"Wh...What happened?", said Suzuki while he was coming to.

"Ah good, you're awake.", said Keiichineko as if he was sleeping on the job.

"Why is my head on Anna's lap?!", piped Suzuki.

"Oh! I was just helping you out! And I healed you! Where's is my thanks?!", finished Anna.

"Oh! Thanks!", thanked Suzuki as he lifted his head up and sat properly.

"Now let's get down to business. This Hebi..... he thinks that we have done something bad to other demons and he doesn't want that to happen to him. Has he not read the story from the beginning. We've only tackled that Colossal guy and them bunch of demons in WonderDog's chapter. Then we went on to some lovey mushy crap for at least 3 chapters.", began Keiichineko.

"So he thinks we are bad guys working for the good guys. right?", queried Suzuki.

"Yeah! This is like Knuckles thinking Sonic and Tails are the bad guys in Sonic 3 and Sonic Adventure.", claimed Keiichineko.

"Ah! I haven't got the energy to even say what I usually say.", Suzuki said lethargically.

"Anyway! We've got to clean up this misunderstanding and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.", explained Keiichineko.

After that discussion, they went on to get some rest before taking on this Hebi fellow again. However, before they could rest Suzuki's mum, Himari, came bursting into the room and began to have a go at Suzuki for not being at school.

"Suzuki Fujimura! Why the hell are you not at school?! I saw you leave the house as well. What did you do?! Sneak in through the window!", raged Himari.

"Oh mum! I'm sorry for saying this but will you shut up!", barked Suzuki.

"Don't speak to me like that! I'm your mother!", argued Himari.

"Em? I'm sorry for butting into your conversation but the reason why Suzuki is home is because I saw him get into a fight and was getting badly injured. So I brought him home, Miss Fujimura.", said Anna in a caring tone.

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