Keiichineko's Past Arc Chapter 6: Life Goes On!

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"Hahahahaha!!! She's dead! Keiichineko! How does that make you feel? Hey! How does that make you feel?!", teased Takuma cruelly.

"Shut the hell up, you bastard?!", cursed Keiichineko with tears dripping out of his eyes.

"It's over! Catena Del Peso: Heavy Whip!", chanted Takuma.

Takuma swung his chain up above Keiichineko's head and then forced it down. The chain covered itself in Black Demon Energy and became more heavy as it made its way down. Crash! The weight pushed Keiichineko down, causing the floor beneath him to cave in. Keiichineko tried to push himself up but he couldn't as the weight was too great for him.

"This hurts! There's something else infused in this chain making it hurt more.", thought Keiichineko.

"How did you like that, Keiichineko? Could you feel my Demonia?!", provoked Takuma.

"Demonia! He's a Demonia user!", exclaimed Keiichineko.

"It's over for you, Keiichineko. Once I've murdered you, I'll take great pleasure in killing that idiot Shinji. I may even kill Wakumi if I am feeling in the mood.", smirked Takuma.

"You asshole! What are you playing at?!", raged Keiichineko.

"Oh and of course, I'll sweetly kill this little on here.", mentioned Takuma as he pointed at Anna.

"Shut up! I won't let you hurt a hair on her head!", yelled Keiichineko.

"Good luck with that, Catena Del Peso: Dead Lift!", snickered Takuma as he threw his chains in the air.

Takuma changed the weight of his chains from heavy to light and vigorously threw them up in the air. He clapped his hands together and then they suddenly came crashing down towards Keiichineko. He tried wiggling out of the chains that were wrapped around his feet but he couldn't get out of them. On closer inspection, he noticed that they were also enveloped in Demonia as well. 

Feeling all sorts of rage and pressure, Keiichineko mustered up all of his powers to protect himself but then someone came in clutch to save him.

"Onmyouji Arts: Book 2: Page 1: Line 5: Mana Sword!", called a mysterious voice.

"Who are you, you bastard?!", shot Takuma.

"I've come to arrest Kokan Fujino for the disturbance of peace but it already seems like some has sorted that out for me. My name is Kantaro Kawamoto.", introduced Kantaro.

"An Onmyouji?!", exclaimed Keiichineko.

"Are you okay, Demon?", asked Kantaro.

"Please! Please take that little girl over there and run! She needs to live! I'm begging you!", begged Keiichineko.

"Lianna-nee! Lianna-nee! Wake up! I'm healing you now so please wake up!", cried Anna as she attempted to heal her.

"But what about you, Demon?", questioned Kantaro.

"I need to avenge her. I need to kill him! I need to kill Takuma Yomaura!", declared Keiichineko.

"I understand. Then, let me at least do this.", agreed Kantaro as he cut the chains of Keiichineko's feet.

"Thank you! Anna! Go with this man! He will take you to safety.", told Keiichineko.

"No! I want to be by yours and Lianna-nee's side!", refused Anna.

"Please Anna! I can't handle the thought of losing you both in a same day! Please just escape Mr Kawamoto.", pleaded Keiichineko.

"But what about Lianna-nee!!!!", bewailed Anna.

"She's....she's gone. She's gone Anna!", sniffled Keiichineko.

Anna's eyes widened and began to flow with tears. She cried really loud and hard to the point she looked like she could pass out with all the strain from her wailing out loud. Keiichineko walked over to her and bent down to her level and gave her a big hug. He patted her head to calm her down from all of the tears she is letting out.

"It's okay, Anna. Everything will be alright. I promise.", consoled Keiichineko.

"Keiichineko!! Keiichineko!", wept Anna.

"Go with Mr Kawamoto and let me handle things here.", asked Keiichineko softly.

After calming down, Anna agrees to going with Kantaro and leaves the room. Kantaro also picks up Kokan so that he can hand them over to the Officials later. Now that they have gone, it is now just Keiichineko and Takuma.

"Hahahahahahaha! This means nothing, Keiichineko. This only prolongs their life. They all know too much now and need to be killed.", jested Takuma.

"What do you mean that I've just prolonged their life? You seem overly confident that you will make it out alive.", pointed out Keiichineko.

"You think I won't make it out alive? Ha! Don't make me laugh, Keiichineko. All this suffering has been brought on by you. If you never crossed paths with me, then maybe your beloved Lianna wouldn't have had to die.", Takuma insulted.

"How many times do I have to tell you....shut your fricking mouth! Once you've angered a Cat Demon, it's hard to make them put their fangs and claws away.", threatened Keiichineko.

"Ohoho! Bring it on then, traitor!", replied Takuma.

*Thank you for reading this chapter of 'Mysterious Ways!'. If you like this chapter please leave a like and vote to show your support! It seems like Keiichineko has calmed down and is ready to fight Takuma to the death! How will he fair?! Will he avenge Lianna?! Find out next time!!!!!!!

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