Soul Breaker Arc Chapter 1: Stop Moping Around, Will Ya?!

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Elsewhere in the Dark Demon Realm, there were two members also scheming to cause destruction.

"Can you hear me, Mitsume?", asked the mysterious voice.

"The voice feed is horrendous, Belephegor. I can barely hear you!", complained Mitsume.

"The reception down here is bad. Let me move somewhere else, just give me one second.", asked Belephegor.

"Good job we don't have face cam on as this would be a disaster.", demurred Mitsume.

"Is this better?!", questioned Belephegor.

"Yes, now get on with what you were going to tell me.", rushed Mitsume.

"Kekekekekeke! That's what I want to hear!", laughed Belephegor creepily.

Mitsume just sighed after hear that creepy laugh and waited to hear the plan.

"Well then, let me begin. The Nova Kingdom wants to cooperate with you again.", began Belephegor.

"Again! What the hell do they want with me now?", wondered Mitsume.

"It looks like Vincent has been had along with Beezlebub.", Belephegor went on.

"Vincent and Beelzebub has been had? By who?", asked Mitsume.

"By a Clan called Fujimura.", revealed Belephegor.

"As in Shinra?!", exclaimed Mitsume.

"Kekekekeke! No his son, Suzuki Fujimura!", confirmed Belephegor.

"I see. So, what do they want me to do?", questioned Mitsume.

"They want you to capture this Suzuki Fujimura and take him to the Nova Kingdom.", requested Belephegor.

"Capture him?", repeated Mitsume.

"They have taken an interest in him. They want to see what this Demi-Demon can do. Can you do this job?", Belephegor asked once more.

"I get it, I get it! Jeez, you're persistent.", Mitsume shrugged off.

"I was just making sure. We don't want to get on the bad side of the Nova Kingdom. We know what they are made of.", Belephegor reiterated.

"We will be fine. I guess it's time I went soul hunting!", stated Mitsume.

Meanwhile, Suzuki was able to gain a big distance from his house so that he had room to breathe. He just walked around town, thinking about all the pain he has caused his mum, sister and his childhood friend. Even though Suzuki stood by what he said, he couldn't feel anything but guilt.

"Why did this have to happen? My body feels like a ticking time bomb.", Suzuki thought to himself.

Suzuki then decided to take a side street so that he isn't seen by anyone he knows. However, that was his big mistake. Someone moved out of the shadows and that someone is Mitsume.

"That was an easy find. I sacrificed a lot to gain all of these powers. Now kid, you're coming with me.", declared Mitsume.

"Huh? Who the hell are you?!", Suzuki inquired.

"None of your business. Now don't resist.", affirmed Mitsume.

"Rise: Deluxe!", chanted Suzuki.

Suzuki clenched his fist tight and swung at Mitsume, however with the injuries he sustained, the move went nowhere. Mitsume was able to move out of the way with ease and kicked Suzuki in the gut. Suzuki was winded from that attack and spat out some blood. He collapsed to the floor like a sack of spuds and he felt like he couldn't get back up. Mitsume grabbed Suzuki at the back of the head and a red light glowed out of his hand.

"Ha! I thought you would have been stronger than that?! Why is the Nova Kingdom interested in you?", provoked Mitsume.

"The....Nova...Kingdom?", stuttered Suzuki.

"Yes. Now let me dig into your soul.", smirked Mitsume.

"I can feel my consciousness slipping. What are you doing?", gasped Suzuki.

"I'm sending you to the Soul Realm. My Calling is Soul Sender. I can send your soul into Limbo while your body lies conscious here in the Human Realm.", explained Mitsume.

"Dammit! I can't move! Is this really the end?! I'm sorry....everyone!", Suzuki struggled.

Puff! Mitsume successfully claimed Suzuki's soul and sent it to the Soul Realm.

"That's the hardest part over. If he was to regain strength, I think that will cause us some trouble and there is no way that he will be protected in the Soul Realm. Mission Accomplished.", smiled Mitsume as he picked up Suzuki's body.

As he was going to make his getaway, a cloud of smoke surrounded him and bright red blade came piercing towards him. Luckily for him, the side the blade struck him was the side of his missing arm. As some of the smoke lifted, Mitsume could see a girl who stood 5"2 tall and had bright red hair. It was no one other than Erika.

"Nice try, little girl but you need to be more aware of your opponent.", criticised Mitsume.

"What are you doing with Suzuki?", demanded Erika.

"Is he your boyfriend or something?", teased Mitsume.

"No! He is my precious friend! I knew something wasn't right when he never showed up to school for a while. He wasn't answering any of our calls either.", told Erika.

"Precious Friend? Hahahaha! You're an odd one. Seems like you will be going to the same place as him then.", exasperated Mitsume.

"What?! You don't mean....", fretted Erika.

Mitsume just smiled and this enraged Erika. She clutched her Burning Bright blade and ran towards Mitsume with strong intent. Erika full on thrusted her swords towards him but he was able to move out to his right easily. She swung to her right but Mitsume was able to dodge out of the way again. Mitsume threw Suzuki to the side and began to take Erika seriously.

"You need to be more careful where you swing that girl. You'll make everyone aware.", teased Mitsume again.

"It doesn't matter! My power allows me to mask this side street and make people forget about it.", explained Erika.

"What a handy power. I don't sense any demonic power in you. That must mean you are a descendant of the Yuusha Country. The Country of traditional Swordsman and Samurai.", revealed Mitsume.

"So what of it!", Erika responded back.

Within an instant, Mitsume used a Speedstar towards Erika and grabbed her by the face and slammed her to the ground. Erika's blade skidded away from her and all she could see is Mitsume on top of her.

"How can you be so strong with only your right arm?!", wondered Erika.

"I threw my mortality of being a Demon away to gain this tremendous power. Now die!", threatened Mitsume.

Just as Mitsume was about to end it all, Erika forced a Smokescreen around her so she could get him off her. She ran to her blade and picked it up. While Mitsume was still stunned at what happened, Erika swung down on Mitsume causing him to gain a cut down his chest area. As he began to see that Erika was about to get more serious, Mitsume jumped out of the smoke cloud along with Suzuki and fled. The smoke lifted and tears began to fall from Erika's eyes.

"SUZUKIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!", shouted Erika at the top of her lungs.

As Suzuki's soul was going to the Soul Realm, he heard a voice call out to him saying 'It's not your time, yet..."

*Thanks for reading this chapter of Mysterious Ways! If you enjoyed please leave a comment and a vote! Will Suzuki's soul be saved? How will the Fujimura Clan sort this issue out? Find out next time!!!!!!

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