"It just feels that way. It's normal okay?" Virgil opened the door and the twin walked in. He led Carly to the couch, "Listen to my voice Carly. Take deep breaths. Kyle and I will do them with you. Okay? Ready?" Carly nodded "Four seconds in okay?" The three people took a deep breath in "hold for seven seconds okay?"

one, two, three, four-

Carly started coughing and shaking her head, "I can't. I can't do it. I can't breathe"

"Yes you can Carly. Try your best" Virgil told her, "Four seconds in."

One, two, three, four.

"Hold for seven."

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

"Out for eight"

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

"Good job Carly. You did perfectly. Keep doing that okay? Kyle, help her with the counts" Virgil said as he got off the ground. He listened as Kyle and Carly did the counts together, he did it with them silently. He went to the freezer and took two pieces of ice and a napkin. Virgil came back to Carly. "Carly, you just had a panic attack. I need you to hold these okay? The cold ice is going to help ground you. I'm going to call Logan and Patton, I'll be right back"

Carly and Kyle nodded as Virgil picked up Roman's phone off the coffee table and went to the kitchen to call Logan. It rang twice before he picked up, "Roman, how may I help you?" Logan's voice said

"It's not Roman. It's Virgil. Roman- Roman wanted me to call you" Virgil told him

"Virgil? Wheres Roman? Is he okay? What's going on? Did you do something?"

"Roman's looking for a kid named Elliot, I don't know if he's okay. Someone let a bunch of wild animals loose in the city. Roman told me to take these two kids, Carly and Kyle upstairs and make sure we all stay inside. No I didn't do anything but I am kind of freaking out because there is a lot going on right now but Roman told me not to freak out because if I freak out the kids will freak out but that isn't how anxiety works and now I'm freaking out" Virgil said, each word came quicker than the last until it was almost impossible to know what he had said.

"Okay. Stay in the apartment. Try and stay calm. I'm going to call Patton and we're going to take care of this. Have Roman text me when he returns. Do not leave the apartment, Virgil, stay inside."

Virgil took a deep breath as he tried to follow the instructions he had just given Carly. "Okay. Got it. Okay." Logan hung up and Virgil went back to sit with the kids.


"Elliot!" Roman called loudly as he ran down the street, "Elliot where are you!"There was a long silence. The streets were empty as people had quickly rushed into the closest building there was

"Roman help!" Elliot's voice yelled, "Roman-"

"Stop yelling! Don't make this harder, you brat" A man's voice said. Roman pushed himself to run faster towards the sound of the voices "Shutup!"

"Stranger danger!" Elliot yelled loudly, Roman turned the corner just in time to see a man shove Elliot into a car. "Ow! Roman!" Elliot cried and pounded on the door

"Hey!" Roman yelled, "Let him go now!"

"Walk away kid," The man said, "I'm trying to get him to safety."

"No, you're not. You don't know him. You're trying to kidnap him" Roman said, anger boiling inside of him. How could this man ever do this? Much less when they were all supposed to be inside? That's a new type of evil.

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