Two Can Play That Game

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April 18, 2020, A few days later..

"This color looks so good y'all!" Elle exclaims.

We're back at Amira's,helping her paint our baby Skyler's room.

"Yesss, it really does!" Amira does a little dance and we laugh.

"I gotta go soon boo, have to get ready for the party."

"Damn, time flew by!" Elle says checking her phone.

"Yea, everything is really coming along beautifully though , this room is so freaking cute!" I say.

"Thanks for the help love, you know I appreciate it!" Amira smiles.

"Your welcome sis, oh what time do you guys think you'll make it tonight?" I ask.

Tonight is Titan's dirty thirty Birthday party. My handsome Aries is shutting the city down with a multi million dollar celebration, that J.Cole and Da Baby are throwing for him, it's gonna be every fucking thing!

"Probably around 7:30" Elle replies.

"Yea 7:30 is cool" Amira adds.

"Cool ok , can't wait to see y'all there." I say as I grab my purse and phone and head for the front door, they're both saying something to me , but a small black carry on bag and neck pillow , that I didn't notice before, catch my eye in the living room.

"Is that ok?" Amira asks snapping me out of my daze.

"My bad , I zoned out for a second, Uhh , you going out of town boo?"

"Huh?" She asks following my gaze.

"Oh uhh, no I was just—I was gonna go to Houston yesterday but changed my mind." She stutters.

"Oh,ok, everything ok?" I ask. Elle furrows her brows.

"Uhh—yea, just home sick you know." She answers nervously.

"Aww ,yea , ok well I'll see y'all tonight."

We hug and I walk out to Titan's Rolls Royce Cullinan parked in the driveway.

"Sup ,baby girl."

"Sooo, I just noticed Amira had an open carry on bag and neck pillow just chillin' in the living room, like she just got back from somewhere."

"Damn, so that was her ass in NOLA, that's one grimey ass hoe. I been knew some shit was kinda off with her ass, she tried to feel on me that day I had her stay with you ,but I ain't wanna say shit to you."

"Excuse me?" I arch my brow as I quickly swing open my door ready to fight.

"Aht ,aht!" He grabs my arm.

"What!" I snatch it back.

"You gotta play shit cool bae—"

"Hold up, What do you mean by feel on you, and why didn't you put her out after that!"

"'Cause , I ain't have nobody else to watch you that night, I ain't wanna ask the staff and put them in our business."

"How did she feel on you?"

"She tried to rub on my chest and shit, I ain't have my shirt on—"

"Oh hell no—" I try to escape again but he has a good grip on my arm.

"Chill man, damn! You know I don't do drama,let me handle this bae."

"Nigga handle it how? I bet you liked that shit huh, are you attracted to her, we look so much alike so I don't see how you wouldn't be." I roll my neck.

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