Fuck It Up Buttercup

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"Whatchu doin'?"

Titan barges into the the bedroom.

"I'm catching a flight back home, what the fuck do you think?" I snap as I stuff my toiletries bag back into my duffle bag.

"Essence come on, really? Don't—."

"Why the fuck not!"

"I need you."

"For what Titan?" I glare at him.

"I want you to be by my side tonight."

"You have lost your mind, this shit is over Titan, it should've been over."

"But I'm doing this for us, all this money is gonna have us set for life baby, I'm tryna build some shit with you, not her, yea I'm gonna take care of my kid but I don't want her ass, I just got caught up!"

"Nigga your always caught up in some other bitches' pussy, fuck out of here!"

"We ain't even together, and I seen that video of you smiling all up in that niggas face a few days ago, at that Rick Ross party, so you wildin', I know you be fuckin' other niggas."

"What are you talking about?"


"We were just talking Titan, its not like I'm pregnant with his damn baby!"

"Point is we both single baby , why you so damn mad?"

"Because she's having your baby,and I know how  baby mama's are, I don't have time for the drama nor do I want to worry about you cheating on me with her if we get back together."

"I don't want her crazy ass!"

"But you nutted all up in the bitch, so she can't be too crazy, it seems like you like crazy!"


"Save it!"

"You ain't leaving man."

"Watch me!" I say as I sit my carry on bag up and pull the handle up but he slams it back down.

"Titan, stop!"

He kicks it over and then grabs my duffle bag and pours all the contents out on the floor.

"I said you ain't leavin'."

"You know I will leave all this shit here, fuck you!" I say as I head for the door, he grabs my arm and I snatch it back.

"Don't fucking touch me!"

He grabs it again and flings me against the wall and I bump my head. He pins me in and forces my chin up towards him and I start to cry.

"Let me go Titan, I can't do this anymore!"

"What did I tell you? Your mine and you'll always be mine, cut this attitude shit out!"

I try to knee him in the balls but he blocks it, he swiftly picks me up while keeping me pinned to the wall, and stares at me.

"Put me down!" I cry as I punch at his chest, and he  glares down at me unfazed.

"Let me know when you ready to stop."

"You made me bump my head! I hate you!"

"You'll be aight, tryna knock some sense into yo silly ass."

"I'm really not staying now, fuck your abusive ass!"

He smirks and tries to kiss me but I quickly turn my head.

The Essence Of Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें