Smash For Daddy's Cash

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"What class do you have next again?" Torian asked.

"Script Analysis with the dreaded Professor Moore." I say dryly.

"Aww, damn, I'm sorry, we hear about her ass over  here too." He laughs.

"Not funny'!" I scrunch my face up.

Professor Moore has the most annoying monotone voice for a woman, and this dry, crooked wig that has clearly ran its course.

I'm majoring in Drama and Dance, and I'm still not sure if I want to persue acting further or just dive deeper into dance.

Me, Ellarie and our other best friends Emani and Skye have been taking dance classes since we could walk, but now after seeing so many successful black women in Hollywood, I think I want to act as well.

"I got it." Torian says ,as he grabs my tray from the employee.

"Thanks." I say while choosing a table for us to sit at.

"So how's your mom doing? I noticed she wasn't at church yesterday." He asks.

"She's OK, she's in Dallas with daddy on a business trip." I say, taking a bite of my burrito bowl.

My parents own an assortment of stores, and restaurants here in Atlanta. So they're always gone on trips without me and Erick.

"Oh OK, yea I should've guessed that."

He was constantly looking down at his phone, but I let it go. Not my actual man so it's not my problem...yet.

"Oh hiTorian!" Some light skinned girl with curly hair and glasses pops up out of nowhere. I guess everyone is thirsty today.

"Uhh—hey Rhia, how are you?" He asks with a strange look. 

"I'm OK, just here alone eating lunch, you know, alone, oh my gosh, I love this watch!" She grabs his hand to look at his Movado.

OK lil girl, I can play dumb too. 

"Hi! I'm Essence!" I announce, making her jump a little. Her hyper ass needs to pipe the fuck down.

"Oh! I'm sorry, are you guys on a date Torian?" She glares at him. This girl is ditzy as hell. What kind of foolishness?

"I'm over here sweetie." I smirk, keeping eye contact with her.

"I'm so sorry, I'm being rude, umm , I guess I'll see you at bible study on wednesday Toorrrrian?" She drags his name out. I roll my eyes.

"Yes , I'll be there." he says dryly.

"WE'LL be there." I emphasize with a fake smile.

"Oh ok, well I'll see you guys later then." She says as she walks away, twisting her hips way too hard. I laugh to myself at how entertaining these Atlanta bitches are this morning.

"Hmm, she's a pretty girl." I say even though that's not what I was really thinking, but I'm not the nagging type, plus this nigga ain't nobody for me to get worked up about.

"Yea, she's different, she's cool though definitely harmless." He says a little too quickly.

"Different how?" I raise my perfectly arched brow.

"Long story. She's been through a lot." He says sympathetically .

"I see."

He looked at his phone yet again.

"Soooo, you done eating? I uhh--have to get to class early." He says suddenly, sliding his chair back.

"Aww already? we just sat down." I whine.

"Yea, but I'm coming to the studio later, to watch y'all practice, remember?" He reassures me.

"Oh right, I forgot." I get up as well, while covering up my food.

"You spilled something." He points to the stupid stain on my jumpsuit.

"Nahh, it's just coffee from this morning." I said quickly covering it with my kimono. Mad I forgot about that.

"You really did have a rough morning huh?" He smirks.

"Yea, it was a mess."

He grabs our trays, throwing the trash away and opens the door for me.

"So what time is practice again?" I ask him to make sure he was serious. 

"5:30 right?" 

"Yep!" I smile. He kisses me on the cheek and we began to walk back to Spelman.

When we get to my class I sweetly kiss his cheek and fix the collar on his shirt . We hug and go our separate ways. I look up and I swear it's like Rico had been stalking us the way he comes up right after Torian walks away.

Gucci Guilty cologne immediately smacks me in all the right places and I take a moment to soak in how good this lovely black man looks in all white.

"Hi stalker." I say, snapping out of my daze, I cant help but to grin goofily at his handsome ass.

"Wassup gorgeous." He grins rubbing his hands together.

"Ohhhhh shiiiit , someone's about to spit some game huh?" I laugh , he cocks his head with a grin, looking confused.

"The way your rubbing your hands together silly." I explain.

"Oohhh." He lets out a low sexy laugh and my pussy starts throbbing .I'm convinced this man is doing straight VooDoo on me right now.

"Shit it's cold, what I'm suppose to do?" He shrugs.

"I dunno, maybe wear gloves? So what are you doing on my side of Spelman Lane?" I ask placing a hand on my hip.

"I just walked my lil sis Rhia to her class, but I'm also studying Business at Morehouse."


"Yea, I'm not one off these lame nigga's hangin' around the campus tryna pick up a snobby rich bitch so I can get her pops money."

Damn , so that's a thing now a days? Hold up did he just call me stuck up, and wait— Rhia? What the hell?

"So is that what you think I am? Some stuck up girl with a rich daddy?"

"Naaahhh , did I say that? Don't put words in my mouth Essence."

He put a deep bass in his voice, and the way he says my naaaaame . I'm gonna have to make a run to Victoria's Secret for some new panties.

"Well I'm ju---"

"You just wrong." He interrupts.

"Whatever, I have a class to get to." I huff with an attitude. He licks those sexy ass lips, looking me up and down. He then grabs my free hand and looks me in the eyes.

"Don't act lil miss drama major, I know you feelin' a nigga, it's all good though I'll see you around." He drops my hand like its infected and walks off, leaving me with this stupid look on my face like he's  somebody.

"Wait! How do you  know what I'm majoring in? You're stalking me for real huh?" I smile.

He just smirks and keeps on walking. What the hell have I gotten my horny ass into?

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