Sex With Me, No Rihanna

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"He--Hello?" I answer.

"Essence?" A low, feminine voice whispers.

"Mommy?" I ask and Rico shoots me a puzzled look.

"Essence ,baby, I love you! Be care--" The line goes dead and the tears instantly start again, I drop my phone.

"Who was that?" Rico asks still looking at me.


I begin to throw up my breakfast while just standing here shaking uncontrollably. Rico jumps up and runs into the kitchen.

"It's OK , I gotchu." He says coming back, he wipes my hands and face with damp paper towels like I'm a baby. He covers what's on the carpet and jogs back to get more.

"She sa--said be careful." I stammer still shaking, as my temperature rises.

"Sit down." He demands as I slowly lower onto the couch. I feel an anxiety attack coming on.

"I'm gonna die!" I start to freak.

"Naah, stop it , you're not dying. Take deep breaths for me aight?" He says as he blots at the carpet.

I tried to take a deep breath but I was so hot that I start fanning myself.

"Damn , now you hot?" He asks jogging back into the kitchen. I keep fanning until I'm finally able to take some deep breaths. He flips the ceiling fan on before he comes back over to me with a cup of ice water.

"Thank you." I mumble as he sits next to me , staring a hole into the side of my face.

"You good?" He finally asks, as he rubs my thigh.

"Noooo." I say as I put my hair up into a messy bun and wipe my face. Damn I gotta get my shit together, but how the fuck can I?

"Should I call Stagger's stank breath ass and let him know?" I ask him.

" I don't really trust his ass bae."

"Yea , me either, I'm gonna go brush my teeth." I say.

I walk into the guest bathroom and turn the water on and splash my face. I grab a spare toothbrush from the cabinet and squeeze toothpaste on it. I stand there staring at myself in the mirror wondering what the hell is going on with my life. Rico comes in shortly after with my phone.

"I tried to call the number back but it's disconnected. It's been a long two days ma. You seriously need to get out. Come to the studio with me. You can watch me edit some of this video were workin' on."

"OK, I kinda want to stop by my house too but I don't know if I'm ready yet." I say as I start to brush my teeth.

"Take all the time you need. Ya girls brought you a decent amount of shit over." He says tubing my ass on the sly.

"Thank God it's Christmas break and that I don't have school for a little while." I swat his hand.

"It's so soft though." He smirks. I spit in the sink and shoot him a look in the mirror. He kisses my cheek and walks out.

"Thank you, you know for everything your doing." I say while following him back into the living room. We sit on the couch and he puts his arm around me pulling me close.

"You my queen now so I'll always be here for you." He says kissing the top of my head as I snuggle up to his chest.  I don't know if that meant were official but I feel like I need this right now.

"She was whispering so low, it really freaked me out." I say.

"You should stay here with me for a while. I got enough room. I mean I know we just met but I--".

The Essence Of LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon