All Eyez On Me

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"One and two, kick, three and four, turn, stop, stop it, HOOOLD IT! Emani Aunzalee Alraheem and Skye Shantell Burns ,what the HELL do yall two have goin' on tonight!" Our dance teacher Miss. Deb fusses.

Ellarie and I met Emani and Skye way back in Kindergarten.  I remember that day like it was yesterday. See Emani was the new girl with this strong accent and beautiful dark skin like mine, her family is from South Sudan.

This spoiled brat Kara Jeffries ,who was Skye's bestie at the time, decided she would pull Emani's thick curly hair ,thinking it would be funny, but Emani instinctively back handed the mess out of her little pale ass.

Ellarie and I burst out laughing along with Skye which landed the four of us in the principle's office for disrupting the class. After that day we were inseparable and coincidentally started dance classes at the same studio later that year.

Emani now lives with her granny, after her parents died in a fire when she was 10. She's spoiled rotten, but she has the biggest heart. Her long legs, flawless dark skin, slanted eyes,and long thick hair turns heads every where we go, and we love her slight accent and obsess over her perfectly round ass.

Skye is our baby, and our white girl, she's technically mixed with a little black ,but both her parents are mostly white so you can't really tell, unless you watch her dance, and see her "black girl"mannerisms. Her sky blue eyes twinkle everytime she talks and she's the one who keeps us thinking positive and brings us such good luck. Her and Mani actually practice magick, and no not the type with demons and shit, it's more of using the universe's "good energy" and astrology and blah blah . I'm not too into it but I support them because the shit actually works.

"Sorry Miss Deb." they say in unison.

"Sorry? Is that what y'all plan on telling the talent agents in the future when you mess up? They're gonna send your sorry stiff asses packing!" She fusses.

"No ma'am, I ju---" Skye starts.

"You're just messing up my choreo , that's what the hell you're doing! Go sit down and don't tell me your sorry, y'all know I hate that damn word!"

Emani rolls her eyes while Skye huffs, but they do as she said. The rest of us couldn't help but to snicker quietly out of Miss Deb's earshot.

Miss Deb is almost in her 70's but she's hilarious and has known us since we first started dancing. She's definitely like another mother to us , thus how she can get away with talking to us like that. She's also just as fit and stylish as women our age and proudly rocks  her natural grey fro. That's that good old school black girl magic for ya. We're currently practicing for our dance studio's Christmas show in a few weeks and she accepts nothing less than perfection.

"Alright girls, come on and stop wasting my time. Let's get this last part down so I can get to my pole dancing class on time." She yells. We laugh as we get back up, except for Emani and Skye. We start again right as Torian and some of his niggas come in to watch.

"When you come tonight, Squeeze me tight

Hold me close,kiss my cheek, caress my soul

Take good care,stroke my hair,make me blush

Go so deep that my hymen is fucked

You know it's been some time since I've tried guys this young

Not too many of them are honest

But he holds it down, stands his ground,play his move

Doesn't rush to get into my body"

Tink's "I Like" blasts through the speakers , and I swear I never kicked so high or swayed my hips so sexily until now. I could definitely feel Torian staring.

We flip our hair flirtatiously, and slowly body roll down into a full split. I look back at him but he's on his damn phone. Seriously! I notice Rico a few seats away next to Ryan and some other niggas.

He's leaned forward rubbing his beard, while staring at me lustfully. I smile a goofy smile and he nods. It must've been his eyes that I could feel instead of Torian's. Damn, I never made that Victoria's Secret run.

"Much better ladies, again from the top! Emani and Skye y'all come on up, and don't make me sit you out again. Kyra and Liselle shake those little asses harder this time and point those damn toes! Essence and Ellarie good job, alright music Dre!" She yells at her grandson. We went through it a good eight more times.


"You were great beautiful!" Torian lies afterwards . His ass was on his phone the whole damn time so I know he didn't see shit.

"Mmm Hmm , you think so?" I go along with it.

"Definitely, you ready to get some dinner?" He asks.

"Dinner? I didn't know we were going out. I only have my dance clothes , and it's too cold outside for this outfit". I only had on some black Fendi leggings and a H&M tank top.

"Where's the outfit you had on at school?"

"Eww, really nig--, I mean,I need a shower first, and it has that stain on it remember?"

Booooyy , he tried my life thinking I would wear the same outfit twice in one day. Tuh!

"You're being difficult." He says.

"Uhh, naaah sir, first of all , you weren't even watching me." I point at him.

"Huh? Yes I was."

"Ain't no huh, what song were we dancing to?" I cross my arms.

"You uhh—you know I don't listen to that shit, So I don't know." He admits.

"Mmm Hmm, excuses excuses." I say.

"Let's just stop by your place, so you can pick something out and go." He suggests , getting an attitude.

"I don't really feel like going anywhere, can we just chill at your place and watch some movies." I ask, throwing my arms around his neck, batting my mink lashes.

"You know I don't do the whole Netflix and chill thing Essence. One thing leads to another and we're not ready for that yet." He said.

Shiiiiit, nigga, speak for yourself cause I am! It's been a while since I had some good dick.

"Fiiiinnee ,we can run to my place really quick." I whine.

"Hey boo ,what are yall about to go do?" Emani walks up, taking a sip from her Fiji bottle.

"Going to get me a change of clothes and go out to dinner somewhere I th-"

"So you just left my ass hangin' at the nail shop huh?" Ellarie interrupts with a stank look, playfully grabbing Emani's butt.

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Elle, I got caught up in my study group for Theatre Management." I frown.

"I'm just kidding love, it's cool, I didn't go either ,it's cold as hell. Me and Kyron are about to go though." She kisses me and Emani on the cheek. I seriously thought I was in trouble with her crazy ass. That jamaican side can come out at any time without warning.

"Ok!" We said in unison as they left.

"You want to come to dinner with us?" I ask Mani.

"No I don't wanna intruuude." She winks as I roll my eyes.

"Call me after?" She asks.

"Of course love." I say, sticking my tongue out at her.

"You ready to go?" Torian asks.

"Yes sir." I grab my LV duffel bag ,and sneak a peek over at Rico who was talking to Skye. He caught me looking so I turn away to go catch up with Torian.

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