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"Smoking crack, with Black? Oh hell nah, what the fuck is wrong with her? That's your best friend right now, not mine!" Elle yells into the phone. I'm sitting by the pool catching her up on everything.

"Girl I don't know, and who the hell is Black?" I ask.

"He's this popular drug dealer who hangs around the school campus, he actually tried to talk to me a few months ago. I talked to him for like two days, but I ghosted his ass after he sent me $1,000. I lied and said it was for our date." She cracks up.

"Wow, and why didn't I ever hear about him?" I fuss.

"Cause he ain't shit, he sleeps with everybody and they mama and he's ugly as hell. He does know how to dress though and can talk you out of your panties if your dumb enough to fall for his lil games."

"Well I don't know what to do, Mani is way too pretty and smart to be a damn crackhead, like what the hell is going on with us? Shit is just not the same and I hate it!" I whine.

"I know boo, but you know if we confront her you know she's going to deny it, Wait, do you have the video?"

"I sure do! I made Titan send it to me before I deleted it from his phone, but hey do you wanna come with me to the studio later? Maybe she'll come too if she's not busy. I really need a stress reliever."

"Yea sure, what time?"

"In like an hour or two?"

"OK yea , I'll text you in like an hour. I have to call this nigga Dre back real quick , he's paying my high ass phone bill this month so I gotta go let his freaky ass give me some sloppy ass head and pick up my money." She laughs.

"Woooow, bye Ellarie, I cannot, love you." I laugh.

"Love you toooo."

My girl is always turning some nigga into a trick..

"wassup future wife?" Titan strolls in shirtless with sweat dripping, bouncing his basketball as usual.

"Nothing, I was just talking to Elle. How was the game?" I ask as he leans down to kiss me.

"You know I shitted on them niggas, but I came to see if you'll come with me to get some snacks from Target right quick."

"Whaaat? Uhh--so your ready for me to go out in actual public with you? And I'm going to the studio in like an hour or two."

"Yea, we can't hide forever, and I want you to see what I gotta deal with when I'm out in public, you still giving me my dance right?"

"Of course I am." I smile.

We have this thing now where I'll do a dance just for him everytime he comes with me, and he eats that shit up every time. I know what moves make him rock hard so it's fun for me, he's been spoiling me even more too. Yall better start dancing for your man if you don't already, I swear it's like a ritual that puts them in a trance and keeps them obsessed with you. If you know how to dance that is.

"When you gon' buy that stripper pole for the room?" He asks.

"Sorry boo, I keep forgetting to order it, but I will tonight."

"Uh huh, you keep sayin' that."

"Shush, I can't help that I forget, let me go change real quick." I say as he helps me up and then smacks my ass which is getting fatter by the way. Ayyyye.


An hour later we're pulling up to Target, and I'm nervous as hell. This is literally the first time we've been out in public together since we met at the hospital. I have no idea what to expect. I deleted Facebook and Instagram from my phone that day because the messages, comments and shit were just waaaay too much for lil ole me. I probably have over 100,000 followers by now at the rate things we're going,it was crazy. I've never been too into social media anyways.

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