PART O N E : Not Today Satan

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Keep in mind This story has been edited and re-edited since 2016

"I'm a REAL ass, RICH ass , BITCH from the south!" I rap along excitedly with my girl Mulatto.


What the entire fuck?

"Damn lady! Your old ass can't drive!" I yell at the woman in the lane next to me. She's driving like she's mid heart attack, and almost rammed me off the road in her basic ass Honda Civic.

I say a quick prayer while adjusting my side bang. These Atlanta folks are really trippin today. But anyway, I'm sooo happy it's the last day before winter break. School has been whipping my black ass. Now today I'm running late, and I don't do late, that shit ain't cute.  I also spilled this nasty ass Dunkin Donuts coffee on my white jumpsuit that I just got from Zara.

I swerve, oh so decently into the school parking lot ,and almost hit some awkward looking bitch.

This fool is in a strapless dress in December. December! Some people take Hot-lanta too literally sometimes. She gives me a nasty look for a good ten seconds. I quickly stuff the last of my blueberry muffin into my mouth while staring back at her, crumbs falling and all. I then shoot her a smile with all of my pearly whites. She rolls her eyes and keeps glaring like she thinks Im going to apologize.

Tuh! I chuckle to myself and get out of the car, hands on my hips ready to tell her about her crazy ass. I swear some of these Spelman bitches are on hardcore crack.

"Sweetie, ain't nobody worried about you and your ashy ass feet, what are you staring at? " I huff.

Laaawd forgive me , but today is just not my day. She knows she's cold as fuck while trying too hard to look cute anyway.

"Excuse you?" She rolls her neck.

"You're excused! Run along now, before that cheap ass Trashy Nova outfit falls apart , then you'll really be cold sis."

"Look, I don't have time for your shit! I have a class to get to." She huffs and storms off, tripping on a crack in her clunky brown wedges. I'm surprised those ashy feet didn't start a fire as she almost fell.

I laugh and slide back into Cherry , my beautiful 740i BMW that my daddy just bought me. I'm such a spoiled diva. I look down in terror again, luckily this stupid ass stain can be covered up by my kimono. I huff and quickly glance in the rearview mirror. My face is beat today yet neutral, but the inner corner of my right lash is trying to come off.

"Not today satan!" I rummage through my Chanel makeup bag.

"Ah ha!"

I finally find my duo lash glue and fix it. I then re apply some of my Ruby Woo lipstick and spritz some Chanel Gabrielle  on. I grab my nude flats from the backseat since I have my slides on , and sling my tote over my shoulder as I jog into building six .

"Aye! Essence Jhené!"

My man-whore twin brother Erick yells from down the hall, as soon as I step inside. I roll my eyes. He looks handsome today though,  with his freshly twisted dreads pulled back. His orange and white Moschino outfit compliments his skin tone well , and Im loving his fresh Citrus Jordans.

So this is Spelman, an elite all girls college right? but does he care? Naah , he's always embarrassing me by being loud as hell.

"What, Erick!" I whisper-yell back while fixing my high messy bun. Today was not a good hair day either,and his female problems are definitely not what I want to deal with right now. I just know that's what he's about to ask me about, and he knows I only have about ten more minutes to get to my Principles of Acting class.

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