Far From Empire

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"AHHH! No, please stop!" Mommy yells , in a strange tone as the door flings open. This 8 foot tall, Terrance Howard look alike grabs my arm before I could stab the shit out of him.

"Who the hell are you?" I wave the knife at him with a nasty look.

"I assume you must be Essence." He says with a laugh.

"I know you better watch that mouth lil girl! Go on Roman. I'll call you later." She fusses as she dismisses Mr. Howard. I slowly put my knife back into my purse.

"Ma, what the hell! Who is that man?" I snap while closing the door. Hands on my hips in disbelief once again. I swear my parents are not normal.

"Good, you're here to brush my hair. Come to it chile." She replies nonchalantly turning back towards her bedazzled makeup vanity. I noticed a to go box of Denny's. I guess she had ketchup in there that spilled. She loooves her ketchup. I stare blankly at her in the mirror beyond pissed.

"This isn't funny mommy. I thought somebody had been bludgeoned to death because you dropped ketchup on the stairs! What the heck is going on? Do you and daddy have some kind of open marriage entanglement now?" I question, running out of breath.

Her beautiful golden face scrunches up as she clutches some invisible pearls. "Open marriage? Chile have you lost your mind?" she scoffs while wiping off her deep red lipstick with a makeup remover wipe.

"Well what was that about then? That fake, no please stop, You thought I was daddy huh?"  I smirk as she runs her perfectly manicured fingers through her bone straight hair and sighs.

"He's just a friend, we--".

"Noooope , your not doing that with me ma! You know we always keep it real with each other! Some spanish bitch was in our home earlier with dad, and now my mother is having a little rendezvous with a Lucious wannabe? I cannot! So what , you're Cookie now huh?" I roll my neck.

She holds a laugh in as she begins to rub her Lancome moisturizer onto her flawless face.

"Honey look, your father and I have been meaning to tell y'all but we haven't had the time. This marriage has been falling apart for months now, and as you and the girls say,  I'm unbothered, because I'm still rich regardless, so are you going to brush your mothers hair or not ,because I'd like to finish watching this episode of Scandal, you know how behind I am ".  She confesses, and I stare at her speechless.

"Wha-- What?" I stutter as tears start. I then plop down onto her lap like the big baby that I am.

"Oooo ,Chineke Mee! Essence!" She throws shade in Housa as I sit.

"Why didn't you tell me? We talk about everything!" I cry.

"Baby, I'm not discussing this with you any further. Our business is between us and everything is fine." She tries to assure me.

"No it's not!" I pout.

"It is Essence, I promise. You know that I love you and would never lie to you. Mama's got this." She says kissing my cheek and wiping my tears. I get up and pick up her Swarovski studded paddle brush and begin brushing her hair.

"There's just too much going on at once. Torian is--"

"Ohhh yes, how's he doing? His mother Ann called me earlier but you know how she likes to talk so I let her ass ring."

"He's gay!" I blurt and she bursts into laughter.

"Maaaaaa!" I whine and stop brushing.

"Oh my, you're being  serious? How do you know? And did I tell you to stop that was feeling good."

"It's a long story, I caught him in the act though, but I'm tired mommy I'm going to bed." I yawn.

"Well we'll go to lunch and talk OK? Where is my handsome son, I haven't kissed his face all week?" She asks as I hand her the brush.

"Don't know and don't care". I say walking towards the door.

"Don't say that about my baby, Ina Sonki."

"Love you too mommy."

This shit is wild.

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