Waiting to Exhale

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"Ahhhh, oh my God!"

We shout as we jump up and down hugging and squeezing the life out of each other. I pull back for a second to stare at her gorgeous face.

"My babyyyy, oh my God!"

"Awww, I missed you boo!" She squeals as she pecks my cheek.

"H—how did you, what the hell?"

I stutter, and look over at Titan for help, he shrugs like its nothing. His fine slick ass is something else.

"Don't worry 'bout it, I'ma let y'all enjoy ya lil reunion though, I'm bouta go play 2K."

He throws up the deuces as he walks back inside.

"Girl, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of him tonight for this!" I yell with excitement.

"Bitch , you better! Oh my gosh , I don't even know where to start, but I do know he's the man for you, him and his niggas saved my ass big time, like , you should've seen the way they bodied the niggas Black had holding me hostage, it was insane, girl I felt like I was in Shottas or Boyz N The Hood." She laughs.

"Oh God, I bet you did , I'm just happy your alive, I've been in such a low place, so I'm grateful to have my other half back."

I squeeze my eyes shut as we hug again. When I open them, Mani and Skye are in a weird astral form, floating above us smiling. I gasp and they blow me kisses and disappear. I swear I'm losing my mind more every day , but whatever, at least I get to see them right?

"What's wrong boo?" She asks.

"Oh nothing, just thinking about Mani and Skye. I can't believe it's just us now. I keep looking at my phone waiting for Mani to call , and ask me if her butt looks big enough in a dress for a date, or for Skye to call about some astrology shit she's researching online." I frown as I tear up.

"I know boo, my mind is allllll fucked up , it's like their not really gone, I can't accept it, but you know their watching over us." She gently wipes my tears.

"Definitely. Have you talked to Granny about Mani , or to the police?" I ask.

"No, Kiyon, one of Titan's niggas had me at the Four Seasons just in case Black had people looking for me, and girl he is fine, he ain't no Titan but uhh-- we exchanged numbers." She winks.

"Elle." I laugh.

"What, he smells rich , so I couldn't resist." She smiles.

"Oh my God, I missed you."

"Let's talk about this Tesla, she is niiiiice boo!" She exclaims.

"I forgot all about this damn car." I laugh as we get inside and check her out.

"Sooo random question, but do you think Titan would let me stay here for a little while? I feel like we need some bonding time since it's just us and Amira now , and I don't wanna be home alone." She asks as she messes with the touchscreen control panel.

"Hell yea, he would if I say so." I smirk.

"I mean I don't wanna intrude, maybe I-"

"Noooo it's ok boo, I would love it, he's been gone a lot lately anyway."

"Yea , the shitty part about dating a pro athlete huh."

"Yea, I miss him like crazy, but we FaceTime a lot so it's not too bad , and he spoils the shit out of me while he's gone."

"Awww , you deserve it boo, and no disrespect, but he is fine as fuck, I wish he had a twin."

"Girl this world doesn't need two Titan's trust me." I laugh as I press the push to start button.

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