Chapter 30: I Brought it to You

Start from the beginning

Nova cleaned up after us and asked the kids what they wanted to do. Shasta said she wanted to color and grabbed her coloring books and crayons. The boy's eyes lit up as he moved to sit beside her and they each colored a page in her book.

"Wanna cuddle on the couch and watch a movie?" Nova asked me with a smile.

"Sure. It's your turn to pick."

We sat down on the couch and got comfy once she picked a movie and honestly today was feeling like a lazy day for me so this was perfect. I was laying out across the couch and Nova was laying on top of me with her head on my chest. She put on Step Brothers and I don't know when it happened but we both ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to a poke to my face and narrowed my eyes at the culprit. It was Shasta of course.

"We're hungry."

I looked outside and it had gotten a little dark so we must've slept for a while. I shook Nova and she cracked open her eyes, releasing a big yawn.

"I think it's time for dinner. We've been asleep for a while."

Nova sat up and looked outside and her eyes went wide. "Oh shit!"

Nova hopped up and rushed into the kitchen and started making dinner for us. She ran upstairs and brought down the rootbeers as she began to plate everything and had us all come to the island to eat. She had split a small steak between the two kids and made the king's cut steaks for us. Baked potatoes and peas for the sides. I took a sip of the rootbeer and it was delicious.

"Definitely get more." I said as I took a few more chugs. Nova chuckled and nodded as she drank more too.

I partook in some of the conversation but I couldn't really talk to the boy so I felt a little left out but I didn't let it bother me. Not with how happy the three of them looked.

Once we finished dinner Nova cleaned up after us again and told us to go sit in our rooms until she was ready. The kids went to Shasta's room as I headed up to mine. I tried to listen in on what she was doing but she was all over the place. The microwave was going off, the doors were opening and closing. I think she's hammering something to the side of the house too. What is that woman doing?

About thirty minutes later I heard her jeep start and drive away. Well okay then. I wonder where she's going. I stayed in our room just in case when I heard her come in through the back door and call us down to the backyard. Shasta and the boy made it out the doors first and I wasn't far behind them. Nova had parked her jeep in the backyard and waved excitedly when we finally made it out to her.

"You said you missed this. And there weren't any around so I brought it to you."

I didn't understand what she had done until she pointed behind me. I turned around and my jaw dropped. I looked back at the jeep and then at the screen again. She brought the drive-in movie to me. I haven't been to one in so long.

"And it's your favorite movie too. Shaun of the Dead."

I can't believe she did this for me.

"Now let's hop in the jeep and get this party started!"

We all climbed into the jeep from the back and I loved the setup. All of the seats were pushed down and a blanket was lied out for us to lay on. Nova had put an array of snacks on the middle console for us too. Popcorn, nachos. An array of candy and more rootbeer and other drinks.

Nova laid on the left and I was on the right. Shasta was next to me and the boy was beside Nova. Nova smiled at me and pressed play on the movie.

I just stared at her for a moment. I couldn't help it. She made something I missed the most happen for me. And I never thought I would experience it again. She's amazing.

"You're supposed to be watching the movie Finn." She teased, eating another mouthful of popcorn.

I turned my eyes to the screen and did watch it. Nova had put on the subtitles for the boy so the four of us were laughing as the movie played on. Halfway through the kids fell asleep and I was staring at Nova again.

What did I do to deserve her?

Once the movie ended we carefully picked up a kid each and brought them inside, laying them down on Shasta's bed. The boy woke up as Nova covered them with the blanket and signed something to her.

"Translation please."

Nova chuckled, signing back to him. "He asked if he's leaving tomorrow. I told him one more night."

He signed again and her smile slightly fell but she quickly masked it with a smile and signed back.

"He said he never wants to leave. I told him he can visit us whenever he wants. So it's not forever."

The boy smiled at Nova and stuck his arms up at her. She leaned down and hugged him tight, pulling away to kiss his forehead and sign something else. He made the same sign as he turned onto his side and closed his eyes. I led Nova up to our room and we both collapsed in bed.

"Anything fun planned for tomorrow? It's his last trial day."

Nova frowned and sighed as I felt sadness pour out of her in waves.

"My answer isn't a complete no Nova. So far...even though I can't talk to him he seems like he's a really good kid. So do you have anything planned for tomorrow? How do you plan on pushing me over the edge I'm teetering on?"

Nova smiled slightly and turned over to grab her journal. "I have a full day of activities planned. Finger painting. Tye-dye shirts. Shell collecting on the beach. I found a really good spot too so my boy can find one for himself. A beautiful hiking trail I walked the other day. And we're ending the night with s'mores and a camp-out at a another good spot I found the other day. It reminds me of our special place just without the water. But the sky is so clear you can see every star and constellation. I'll take him back to the orphanage and give you a few days to think about it. And I won't push it once. Well maybe at least once."

I smiled and kissed her, pulling her into my chest. "I will have my answer the morning after our experience tomorrow."

I could feel Nova grow nervous as she said she had to do something really quick. I heard her knock on Finch's door as I got comfy and tried to stay awake for when she comes back but I could barely keep my eyes open.

"This is so weird Finch I don't know-Shh. He'll hear you. Just do it Nova."

Normally I'd be more curious but I was so tired I didn't care. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for all of us. I just hope if I say no Nova doesn't completely hate me.

The Cleansing: Part One (Book Two of the Golden Eyes Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now