◇Chapter 25

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I watched her break the box open and gush over everything in it. She's such cutie, it amazes me that she can read me. Most people can't, but to be completely fair I've never been one to wear my emotions on my face.

She takes everything I thought I knew about the world and just kind of twists it into something different, happier, brighter.
I've smiled more in four months than I have in my entire life.

She brings things out that I didn't know were locked away, things like my love for music,singing and Theatre. I kind of want to take her to the Theatre, I said I would when we first met, I'll have to find a musical or a ballet she'll like.

I took down a quick shot of Iack to ease my nerves before Rosie came home. She's staying for and she's been telling me about rumors of a city lock down. Because of that her parents are t staying like they thought but she really wanted to see the baby, so she's still coming.

The thing with Mercutio is still biting at my conscience and I'm trying my best not to think about it, because I know if I do I'm going to get pissed. I'm not going to let that sapless prick ruin my night with my beautiful girls.

"You're drinking whiskey, you drink whiskey when something's wrong, what's wrong?" Pink sweet voice flowed through me as I looked up her. Her hair was in two braids going the back of her head, and the casual outfit I picked was absolutely adorable on her. The sleeves of the sweater hung low on her, past her hands which I didn't expect since I got an extra small, the white pink hung from her right shoulder and Noodles was clutched between her fingers. Aside from all of that my eyes landed in the pinch in her brow.

I smiled and sat the glass down before capping the bottle,
"It's nothing baby, just work."

I pulled my hair up into and elastic as it finished fully drying. Greg and Mayri were rummaging in the kitchen probably getting dinner ready and I promised the Piggy I would give her cuddles, so I sat down in the living room and held my arms open for her to join me.

She did, but only after a hop and a skip in my direction.

Her small body curled up I to me and I kissed her damp purple hair as she twisted her fingers in my sweater, I tured the tv on and the first thing to pop up was Disney Junior, so I let it stay. She's probably the only that watches this thing by the looks of it, I never have time and Greg is usually with me and Mayri's taking care of the other staff members if Greg isn't here so I don't believe anyone touches the remote accept Trixie.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, Trixie took the intuitive and pulled it out of my pocket and pressed it into my hands, I guess to make it stop, I chuckled a bit. I was planning on ignoring it but I saw the name and I quickly answered.

I went to get up, but small hands squeezed and peeked up at me with big sad eyes. But I had to take this so, I kissed her head and whispered the promise of being back to her and I walked out onto the balcony. It was then did I realize the streets were empty, no taxis, barely any buses, not an crowded as downtown is supposed to be, not even close.

I pulled the phone up quickly taking a seat on the chair, "Telmont."

"Yes ma'am, we have a few developments, our Tokyo branch was breached again, and we've had an attack on our Baltimore branch, other branches are reaching out to the hub, and some have even received threats regarding you as well!" YenSoo's voice passed though the phone like venom.

My blood pressure skyrocketed and I couldn't help the anger, that started to coarse through me.

I was on my feet in seconds, "SHIT, FUCK, FUCK!"

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