♡Chapter 99

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"TELL HER WHAT YOU TOLD ME!" Monty shouted as she walked into the bedroom, I sighed, closing the door behind us. I grabbed Noodles from the armchair and hopped on the bed.

"Monty, calm down, I'm sure it's fine," Rosie said as he walked over to the vanity. She took off her watch as I sat up on the bed, putting Noodles in my lap, crossing my legs.

"I can't have kids," I said, looking at her back. I couldn't see her face in the mirror, but I could tell by her mannerisms that she wasn't very shocked.

Monty, however, was not taking it very well, "Oh god, I'm having a heart attack." She slapped her hand over her chest and closed her eyes. I held down a chuckle, it's quite dramatic.

Rosie turned around, rolling her eyes playfully as I fell backwards on the bed, "You are not having a heart attack, please sit down."

Rosie took a deep breath before she pressed Monty to sit down onto the bed, "I noticed maybe a month into us being together that she doesn't have a period, you need one of those to have babies, Telmont."

"How was I supposed to know that?" she sighed, shaking her head before she looked at me then to Rosie.

Rosie tilted her head as she took off Monty's accessories before she took mine too, starting off with the rubber bands in my hair, making all the pink rain down.

"I expect you to know the basics of female anatomy, it never occurred to you at all?" Rosie asked, dropping everything in it place, Monty's watches in their winding boxes, my hair ties and in their box.

"I don't track her periods, – look I'm being serious here, why is this happening?"

I shrugged, "It's always been that way, sometimes I have a period, sometimes I don't, this is one of the times I don't."

"Does it hurt?" She tilted her head, and a sense of horror dropped in my stomach as I whipped around to her.

"Why would it hurt!?"

"I don't know?" Monty seemed a bit panicked as she turned away, "just seems like it should hurt."

I looked over to Rosie with my hands up, and she shook her head before she started to speak, "Okay, okay, would it make you feel better if we all went to the doctor together, I mean, it's time for your follow-up, we'll go to the private hospital, I'll make appointments tomorrow?"

I nodded, giving a thumbs up. If it makes them feel better about it all, I'm down. I'm sure it'll help Monty cope hearing it from a doctor.

"I like that idea, and you can get a check-up too, Doctor Mike said you needed to monitor your stress and medication, and we need to keep an eye on your kidneys," I hummed as she met me on the bed pulling the shirt off. I dropped my own shoes as she walked away, tossing our clothes into the laundry.

She gave a nod before she walked into the closet. I would assume to pick out pajamas for us, I looked over at Monty was still working on taking her pants off. I smiled, taking the opportunity at hand. I slid off the bed, stepping in front of her. Even sitting she's my height, and I'm standing.

I got low enough to touch her belt to silently ask if I could help. I had a feeling this would happen, she'd been standing all day and talking, her energy was coming to a hard end. It should be time for her meds again before she goes to sleep.

Sometimes I get a sweet spot in my headspace where I feel light and airy, sweet inside, and it allows me to think clearly and rationally, like now. I dropped to my knees to get closer as I unbuttoned her pants, pulling them down leaving her in a pain of boxers. I chucked her pants just missing the laundry bin as Rosie walked back in with clothes in hand.

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