◇Chapter 7

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I don't know when but we feel into a routine. Wakeup, cuddle, eat, cuddle, work, workout, come home, eat, cuddle, sleep.

A simple one, that's improved my quality of life more than anything else. It's been about two weeks and Trixie has adapted accordingly she's been fingerprinted for the Penthouse key and she works just as much as I do. I occasionally go to the club after work if she's there, I hang out and get a few favors from Jaimie of Krystal and then we head home after the usual time, 2 am.

Today was no different as far as routine goes, work was irritatingly boring as usual filing papers and fixing people's dumb mistakes. It was tedious enough to make me angry at the lack of attention people played to their work.

I dropped my pen as Tracey dropped in again, "Telmont, you look beat, head home. I'll file the rest. By the way the Tokyo branch just sent a notice about a breach in security, no one was heart but evaluations need to be made preferable soon."

I huffed out and ran my hand through my hair scribbling it down on my schedule for tomorrow. I didn't say much as I grabbes my things and headed out of the building in a frustrated manner.

It took exactly fifteen minutes to be home and in my room, sitting in the calming dark. I closed my eyes and stared a slow song to half my brain calm down.

I flicked on a lamp and sighed pulling my tie loose, as soon as I dropped my hand Trixie strolled in with one of my hoodies on. She was home early but as soon as I saw her, my stress seemed to melt away. Like I didn't know irritation around her.

Then I remember the idea I had just a few hours before.
I pulled my wallet from my back pocket, right before she reached for my sloppy tie. I held my hand up to stop her movement as I opened the black leather. I dropped my eyes thumbing through the bills, settling on a grand for the past few days she's blown my mind.

Her gasp echoed through the room when I folded the notes and pushed them towards her. I tossed my wallet down on the night stand then followed the urge to let my eyes reach her face again. The dim bedroom somehow found ways to highlight her soft doll-like features, while she stared at me with a look I couldn't quite place.
Her smile had fallen and she stepped out of the way of the money when I prompted her to take it.

"Here, it's for you, it's yours," I said, taking the step forward that she's taken backwards. Her eyes dashed from me, to the money, then back to me where her gaze stayed while she shook her head. I saw well enough to know she didn't want it.

"No, I- Gloria pays-," she pressed her hands up, palms facing me, in defense. I took her wrist pressing the federal paper into her soft hands but she still didnt take it.

I tried again softly with a smirk,"can't I give you a gift?"

Her eyes trained on our hands, mine holding hers, hers holding the money. She was hesitant to look at me, but when she gave a careful nod. Her eyes fell back down and it was like she changed her mind and started to say no again.

I bet she counted it.

"Telmont, I can't- It's most of my pay if I work polls, booths, and private sessions for seven whole nights!" Her voice rose and my heart stuttered in my chest. Her voice got higher and higher, becoming more firm but It still felt so soft and light, I found her attempt to be angry extremely adorable.

A smile rose to my lips, no doll- No person has evey declined  a gift from me. A part of me doesn't know what do, but  another wants to give it to her in some other way she'll take it, maybe lingerie, shoes, a bag, pacifiers, and onesies?

"Trix, it's just a gift, I want to thank you," I tried to make her take it but she still didn't. This time she pushed it back at me, clutching the money and holding it against my chest for me to take it back. Her sexy eyes were in a confident, determined squint, forcing the paper into me.

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