🌟Extra 3

999 62 9


8 years after wedding

I was finishing up my last few audits of the year, they're taking place in the legal department. My team and I walked through looking for anything out of place, we picked a few employees at random to see their normal procedures and protocol and interviewed others.

Everything was looking fine so far, until I noticed Parker at his desk. He looked miserable, he usually looks so happy when he gets home, he mentions his days and how much he loves working in legal. I got this dropping feeling in my tummy about the look on his face.

This is my first time seeing him here, he used to be on the executive floor with Monty basically playing secondary fiddle, filing paper work behind her while he was still testing for his bar. Once he passed, he insisted on moving to legal, he wanted to work his way up, he said. He insisted on using his former last name to remain anonymous.

Telmont lets him do whatever he wants at the company considering he won't ever be the CEO. She's delegated that career path to Ana while Parker will oversee the family business, so to speak.

He pressed his hands to his eyes and he looked so tired, so stressed out as a team lead dropped a stack on his desk. Parkers shoulders fell farther down than they were to begin with, like it was a weight on his back.

"He must be the rookie," Jason hunched looking at his list of things to check. I turned around to hear him speak.

"What makes you say that?" I looked at him, his gray eyes scanned the forms as he spoke.

"Just look at him. My buddy, Joey, worked in legal before he went to Marketing. Said it was hell for rookies. Said he played errand boy for them, did their extra Paralegal work, and even footed the bill for their outrageous "company dinner" tabs."

I hummed as I watched him shake the dread away before he started to tackle the pile of fresh work.

I'll talk to him after work, it'll just be embarrassing if I say something in front of the other employees.

"Write that down, sounds like plenty of Violations. List them all according to the employee handbook and have it on my desk by Monday.

It's Friday.

He does come home pretty late on Fridays, but he's a grown man. He drinks as much as he wants, and if he does it after work I'm not going to be angry at him for it. I'll just ask him about his work when we get home.

We wrapped up audits very quickly seeing everything in working order and noting the things that weren't. 

"Alright guys, that's all for today, see you guys on Monday," I started to pack up my laptop once we were back to the office. My team and I shared an office on the executive floor, so I was never really too far away from Monty and I got used to parker helping out that it never occurred to me that his moving to a different part of the company would be any different from him working at the top floor.

That's a such a naive thought isn't it, equality, especially in a corporate workplace.

"Hey, Ms. Trixie, about that new guy, I just got word, they're going out to Karaoke tonight. Brad invited me before we wrapped up, said it was free drinks on the business account," Alex showed me the text and just as I opened my mouth, he pulled his phone away with a knowing nod. 

"Brad owes me poker money, he doesn't deserve free karaoke if you ask me," He winked as he grabbed his briefcase before adjusting his jacket. 

My phone sounded in my pocket as he bid me goodbye to both me and Jason who had just got his bag on his shoulders. Jason gave me a happy youthful grin as he made it to the office door pumping his fist, "Justice for the rookies!"

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