♡Chapter 96

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My eyes rolled over Parker as he looked more pissed off than anything. His eyes were glued to Charlene who was behind me and I didn't need him to tell me before I stepped out of the room. I was intending to get away at this point anyway. I didn't like the feeling of being boxed in, forced to be alone with someone, I didn't think I would ever have to do that again, but it seems everything is a full circle these days.

"Why are you here?" He asked standing tall, like before they both seemed like they could be at each other's throats at any second, but parker didn't see what saw. He didn't see her slap a girl to the floor, and that made me fearful for him. 

I've learned countless things in life working around men, learning to protect myself and tons of things ring true, one of them being if they hit people smaller than them, then they'll hit anyone. The last thing I would ever want is for her to hurt Parker. 

"To play, of course, same as you," Charlene offered, coming just inches way within his face as she passed by him leaving the lounge. I held him back, hugging his arm to keep him from starting forward any more than he already had. Monty and Rosie would be so mad at us, and who knows who's here taking pictures. What would they say?

"I read your agreement," she stopped walking and Parker stood tall; and I knew he was doing something bad, and I tried to pull him back, but he wouldn't budge, "over sixty percent of your earnings are now ours, is that what this about? Are you angry that you work for us, that we own you?"

Her breathing went heaving, and she took a fast step to him, and I couldn't help it as I threw myself in front of him. I up my hands up, squeezing my eyes shut as I screamed, bracing for the impact, but it never came. I looked up at her hand in the air. She sighed, and I watched her hand curl into a fist as she dropped it back down to her side.

My eyes wouldn't move, I didn't want to see her face, I didn't want to see that evil look on her face like before, it terrified me. But she dropped to my level, while parker watched, pulling me away. I let her be close to me, but I backed away when she lifted her hand to touch me. My head fell, and my hands were shaking, I was rattled with adrenalin as my heart beat hard and fast in my chest. I seemed to ease itself when her hand gently caressed my face, lifting my chin.

"I don't intend to hurt you, so don't do that again, I want to keep you perfect, just the way you are My Bunny," she pressed her thumb softly over my cheek meeting my eyes so intensely like she meant it and even though my head didn't believe her, my heart did.

I bit my lip as she stood back up to face Parker and a sinister smile rose to her lips, "I don't like that you feel safe enough to speak to me so casually, You should watch your mouth, I'm not very tolerant of men."

I watched her turn on her heels and walk away in an easy strut like nothing happened at all. Just as she passed the door way back towards the tennis court, two men joined walking behind her. It was as if they came from nowhere, they could've been anyone and I wouldn't have known. 

I turned around to Parker, who looked just as pissed off as I thought. He'd picked up a habit of being a sore loser from Monty. She hates losing in any capacity, and I could tell his hate for her was festering as he watched her walk away, too. He blindly took my hand and started to pull me out of the lounge area before he stopped and looked down at me, shaking his head.

"Did you ignore everything I told you the other day, stay away from her. She's not who you think she is, there's a reason Monty is in deals with her. Think about it, since when does Monty make clean money!" He huffed in a fit of anger, and I pulled away from him, crossing my arms.


"You can't be mad at me! Nobody told you to go provoking her, and I'm not hanging out with her by choice, she just showed up!" I yelled, trying to get my side of the story across.

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