♧Chapter 79

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I suddenly felt awake as I opened my eyes. They felt sticky and heavy and I had to blink a bit before I could see well enough. The first thing I noticed was the fucking beeping.

God I hate hospitals. I wanted to punch that fucking machine.

"Fuck!" I suddenly feel tired and annoyed all at the same time as I look around the room. My throught was dry and it was close to hurting.

Suddenly a door opened, I quickly realized it was the bathroom and Rosie was walking out of it with wet hair and no shirt. She had on a pair of sweat pants and it gave me a great view of her body.

I was about to smile when I saw the red traveling down her arms and up her shoulders. She definitely having a shitty flair up.

"Fuck," I roll my eyes. Why isn't she taking care of herself? No, Why did I have to passout? I mean it was just a liver shot how bad can it be?


Rosie whipped around to the bed with wide eyes and crimson cheeks. It's so bad, she should be in pain if the rash it that bad.

"Fuck!" I looked down at the bed and pushed the giant red button the remote.

"Oh my god, are you in rain," she took a few long strides across the room to me but I shook my head trying to sit up a bit more. What she said didnt make sense but I wasn't worried about that she needs a doctor. Her panic was seeping out as she put her hands on my shoulders to stop me.

"Stop, don't rove, you'll rip your stretches!"

"Stitches?" I squint, she's not making any sense- fuck it.

"You had emergancy sugary, that son of bitch booked a rib and it pinchered your liver, they had to induce a coma to keep you comforal and stable," I shook my head as a twitch started behind my eye. I think I understand her. Maybe. I want to tell her to stop, to speak slower. Somethings not quite right here. And I can't tell if it's me or not. Her concern and confidence and her normal no bs attitude is making me believe it may be me.

Suddenly the doors opened to a nurse in blue scrubs, she was moving quickly and instantly came to read the annoying, beeping box. It felt like it was getting louder and louder.

"Oh you're finally flake, thats good, what do you read?" She asked taking a look at the hanging fluids. A frowned deeper at that, it definitely me. That's not right, her words, but I think I get it.

"Uh, um you know," Rosie tilted her head at me and I pulled my chin to her. She still didn't put her shirt on, she didn't care at the moment though.

"Monty, you want?" She spoke slowly and I nodded finally understanding a sentence she was saying. I nodded, ready to tell her but the words escaped me.

"Uh, cup, of um-," the room was quiet safe for the beeping and I could see the anxiety in Rosie rising higher and higher. But it's nothing, I'm sure this will go away soon. I'm just tired.


I nodded finally getting it. Well, she got it for me, but that didn't matter it got said.

She smirked softly nodding and pulled out a stick light from her pocket.
"Dr. Marie is with another parafint but she'll come in to do a few sdfessments and decide if you can go home tomorrow morning,"
The nurse smiled and started to shine the light in my eyes. It gave me an instant headache and I tried my best not to close my eyes for her concussion test.

I followed her finger with my eyes as she instructed.
"Who is the hurmant president of the United Slates?"

I rolled mye eyes, I hate this part. I don't need to understand her to know the questions. I've answered them millions of times.

"Michael Jackson-," Rosie cut me off with a pissed off scowl. It made me huff in frustration, I don't want to do this. The machine started to peep faster, I guess my um chest rate is up.


"Do I to do this, I know the uh, um– moment?" Thats not the word I wanted but it popped into my head fast enough. Moment doesn't fit there, does it?

I swear I could see hell rising in her eyes, "Yes, you have to."

I gave in,"Fine, uh, um, Roger um Roger Moriss."

The nurse nodded and pulled out a pen for her paper holder board. She wrote quickly and turned a few pages up.

"It says you had a compsion and brain swelling, it went down yesteray but your scans aren't all clear yet," she spoke scribbling. Her tag caught my eye and I tried to get her name but the letters together didn't do anything for me.




"Can you say the words, afber me," the nurse spoke softly as I snapped back to reality. I nodded ready to hear them.

"Brew, Fish, Now."

I repeated then quickly after she said them, she nodded and I was waiting for the next set of words as I looked over to Rosie. She looked pained a bit and instantly reminded me that she needed a doctor as well. She must have been so stressed.

"I'm going to get water," She nodded and I watched her leave the room smoothly before I looked back at the nurse, I can't wait until this is done so I can go home.


I closed the door behind me and it suddenly felt like the words caved in on me. I clamped my hand over mouth to keep in the desperate cry as my knees buckled.

They told me, they told she'd be confused, tired, angry even but this is more than I thought it would be. Who did I think I was, why did I think I had the guts to watch her rake her brain for a simple word like water.

The way she was looking at us like she had no idea what was going on, the questions got worse, from her not remembering basic words all the way to not being able to repeat words back.

Blue, Fresh, House

She got them all wrong. They told me she hit her head but I was assured that it wasn't bad, well NOW SHE HAS THE VOCABULARY OF A FUCKING 5 YEAR OLD. HER HEAD IS NOT FUCKING FINE.

Burns, this is his fault. I want him to pay.

I took a deep breath and pushed all the tears away before standing back up. My head was pounding again and my heart palpitations were definitely the cause of my shaking as I grabbed a cup and started to shove it full of airy ice.

The water came next and I snapped a lid on top, I found myself staring at the door this time.

I have to go in there and watch the craziest, smartest, most connivingly cleaver person I've ever met, struggle to speak a basic idea.

I have to not break down, not yet, not in there where she can see. I have to be the one to keep all of this together. Someone has to be the one to keep it together.

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