◇Chapter 12

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"You're still there?" The deep voice rang through the phone and suddenly I was stuck in my words.

Of course I'm still here.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked toying with my soft sweater. Monty said she'd be back, and I got tired of waiting all alone.

"Bubblegum, she killed someone," the tone was Obviously trying to make me see logic, but I didn't need to see that. I already know it. Besides she doesn't know that I was watching.

By the time she got be out of the bathroom the body was gone and the blood was covered with towel to make it look like a spill. I don't know how she got rid of it so fast, or where she put it, or maybe I just imagined the whole thing.

"For Me, she did it for me, and you would've too." My voice dropped and  my twiddling stopped as I peered out over the dark city, "I did it for you."

Only static could be heard in the other end of the phone, and got a bit worried.

"Troy?" I called out to him. I got a hum in return, so I went back to watching the tiny lights flash from above.

I was in the bedroom looking out if the floor to ceiling windows that made up an entire wall. We were in one of the highest buildings and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been higher.

But this was perfect. High enough that you can't be seen, but not so high that you can't tell what's going in in the city.

"Are you okay?" He asked suddenly and I nodded a bit then gave small yes realizing he can't see me.

"What about you?" I let out the air I was holding.

He sighed, "Denver is nice, there are a few skate parks in town, and Nancy is helping me stay clean. I got a job, I clean houses for elderly people."

"How is Nancy?" I asked leaning on the windowsill.  She was this great woman that took him in when I couldn't. She's a bit older, but she really does care, Troy loves her, and I know that's why he stopped with the drugs.

He want to please her, he want to be the son she never got to have, and for that he's a fucking saint.

"She's doing great, we went to an eye doctor the other day. Her glasses got up dated, and Pepper is finally off the meds," he went on talking about his life in Denver.

I wish, I could have been there, but I left. I couldn't stay, not with the dead.

So I ran away, I still remember the day Gloria found me.

I found myself grinning with a heavy heart, "I'm glad Pepper is okay too, that poor dog." It was old but Nancy loved it to death. And meant Troy took care of it, he didn't mind.

Nancy gave him a purpose, she is his purpose. It almost terrifies me when I think about her leaving us. It won't be okay for him, sometimes I think he'll relapse.

I worry about him evey single day.

"Bubblegum,  please be okay and please stop messing around with this guy. If he killed someone, whose to say he won't kill you?" He spoke softly to me but he doesn't know Monty.

To be fair, I technically don't either, but I understand her.

But I can't tell him that, he down know she's a chick, he just thinks Monty is my boyfriend.

I opened mouth to say something but hands in my hips stakes me. I melted backwards when I felt soft unmistakable lips land on my neck and behind my ear ash she whispered, "you're supposed to be in bed."

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