Chapter 50 the end of all things

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Dumbledore arrived and saw everyone having a reunion.  He walked up to Harry and said "Thanks for saving my life and giving me a better life.  I can finally retire and put Professor McGonagal in charge." Minerva said "thank you so much I would be honored, as long as Severus is my deputy head." Snape gasped in shock and said "I would love that."

Pablo said "I already taught as a teacher, I think I might consider a new path." Hermione asked "Why don't you be a writer and tell of your journey, before you time traveled up to now?" Pablo said "what a wonderful idea, that could definitely be my part time hobby." Ron asked "Have you ever consider being an professor of a different subject, like your very own subject, like time-travelling or something?" Pablo said "That's a good idea I could be a storyteller of my journey and then turn it into a biography." Snape said "Hmm I like the sound of that, you could do it in the library and have the students that want to know about you, can come and talk to you." Pablo said "Sounds like a good idea."

Over time that's exactly what happened. Everyone enjoyed having new memories. Pablo/Harry did teach for a while but enjoyed writing their story, they called it "The Journey on how Harry became Pablo." Ron and Hermione got married. Ron became a Quidditch Star player. Hermione was secretary to the new ministry of magic. Draco taught how to speak Parcel-tongue like his father. Remus went to find other werewolves and taught them the potion that made him able control the wolf inside. Daniel became an Auror and a Quidditch star with Oliver Wood.  Delphini grew up to be a helper in the ministry of magic. Tom eventually retired and Cornelius Fudge took over the position. Albus did retire, he really enjoyed retirement, when the new term started it did take him a while to not pop into Hogwarts.  Albus got used seeing his brother Aberforth at home and enjoyed talking  about how difficult it was to keep Pablo secret.

Severus and Harry got married together there were a lot of people at the wedding Pablo got used to being called Harry again it did felt weird for a while.

James and Lily really enjoyed having the family around and enjoying getting along with her sister. When they arrived, Petunia said "Wow, Harry is pretty remarkable I am sorry we didn't treat well in the beginning."  Harry said "Don't worry you did your best.  There isn't a guide for muggles about if their child has magic." James said "Well I am glad your suggestion for new staff members to go to the muggleborn houses and explain to the family they have magic has worked." Harry said "Yeah, I just wished I had that growing up, that's why I suggested it." Adrian said "Well, for two sisters it's rare for only one to have magic, there's no logical explanation." Severus said "Sounds like you would do well as a potion teacher." Adrian said "Thanks, well my fiance wants to be the Hogwarts Quidditch coach after she plays with her favourite team." Severus smiled at that and said "Well the future is looking bright." Harry said "Well I was hoping it would go great, I didn't expect it to go perfect, that's the problem  with Time-Travel.  It's a hit or miss, imagine if I got it all wrong."
The world was peaceful and no more big surprises happened.

The end.

A/N If Harry did get it wrong I would be writing J.k. Rowling story.

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