Chapter 16 Winter term. And second year

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During the winter period James and his friends where enjoying their break, they studied a lot then found a secret doorway and a ladder going to the basement. James asked Dumbledore "Why is their a secret basement?" Dumbledore said "Aah I see you found my extra training class, it's to test your knowledge of the classes you attended." James loved the challenge and told his friends and they all decided to do the challenge.
The first room was a potion puzzle. On the board it said "Which one of these objects will save you from poison?" Lucky Sirius was paying attention in class, even though it was funny that the wizard they thought they wouldn't get along with so Sirus picked up the goats stomach and said "This, a bazoar it will save you from the most poisons." The door opened and they all walked inside the next room which had a lot of keys and a broom. James said "This is a flying competition,luckily my dad and me practice all the time." James went on the broom and flew around finding the old key and opening the door. All four walked through and found another board, it said "How do I bring this book towards me?" Reamus said "That's easy accio book." The book landed on Reamus' hand and the door magically opened, they walked through and Peter said "I guess it's my go next." They opened the door and it was a transfigurations question it said "How do I turn this rat into a goblet?" Peter gulped and said "Vera Verto I believe the incantation." The rat turned into a goblet and the door opened and they walked outside to see they were back were they started. All the puzzles and dumbledore were there and hesaid "Well done everyone you have passed the test." Reamus and Sirus were so happy. James asked Peter "Are you scared of rats?" Peter said "No I come from a family whose animagus are in the rodent family." James said "Awesome that means you might be a mouse or rat when you change into your animagus." Peter said "Maybe that's a good thing but how did the person who makes the rooms know about my family history?" James said "That's just a mystery we have to work out together."
All the other first years did the puzzle rooms and they all passed, then it was the end of school year and everyone went home.

During the holidays Lily told her family about her first year and how she made friends. Her parents were so proud! Petunia was still interested in the school and enjoyed her normal school and made friends as well.

James and his friends like to stay in contact. They enjoyed each others company. It was September and everyone went on the train and headed to Hogwarts.  After the first ceremony everyone had dinner and went to bed.
The second years first class was history of magic, where they learned about the founders of the school, Lucius and Severus were very interested in Salazar Slytherin and they asked the professor for more information but the professor said "It's best to ask Tom as he's a late decent of Salazar Slytherin."
Severus and Tom were shocked and so were the rest of the class and so after class finished, luscious and Severus went straight to Tom's class and both asked "Professor sir is it true that you related to a founder of Salazar Slytherin?" Tom replied "Yes unfortunately I am but I don't believe in his ways of teaching." Severus asked "Why don't you believe in his way?"  Tom sighed and said "Well my mother hated her brothers and when they went to Azkaban she decided to do something a Slytherin wouldn't do, which was to marry a muggle, the muggle was my father but he never loved my mother because he was under a love potion and so I was conceived under a love potion and my father wanted nothing to do with me and my mother's family didn't want anything to do with her so she went to an orphanage where she gave birth to me and some years later died of a broken heart I believe." Lucius was shocked at this news he said "Is that why every so often a muggleborn turns up in Slytherin?" Tom replied "Yeah I want all Slytherin to treat each house fairly and equal." When lucius and Severus left they had lots of thoughts in their heads and decided to try and get along with all houses. Then winter holidays started.

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