Chapter 28 Lily's Pregnant

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Lily told her parents then she told Severus. He was super excited and he told Pablo he was also excited. He went to tell Aberforth. He said "Lily is pregnant." Aberforth said "That's Wonderful, I have solved the problem, when you return into Harry Potter you will remember being Pablo but everyone around you won't believe you. So I made the potion you gave me and made it so everyone can take a sip and everyone will remember who you are." Pablo was so happy and said "Thanks Aberforth, I suppose I'll see you when I am a different person." Aberforth said "Enjoy your journey and your new life as Harry Potter."

A few months later Lily gave birth to a healthy baby they named him Harry Potter. Everyone was overjoyed and James said "Remus you'll be a great professor I don't know why the ministry doesn't think so."  Remus said "Because I am werewolf and they think I cannot control myself." James said "That's shocking but will you Sirius and Peter be my sons godfather?" All three boys were shocked and said "Yes definitely." Severus arrived at the house and said "So what did you have?" Lily said "A son we named him Harry James Potter." Severus was so happy and said "When Harry starts school my son will be in his sixth year which is really scary to think about." Lily said "Wow that is scary good luck in teaching." Severus said "Thanks." He headed home and said to Pablo "Lily and James had a son they named him Harry James Potter."  Pablo was so happy.
Pablo and Severus were really good at teaching their son. They enjoyed spending time together and suddenly on their sons sixth birthday Pablo started to feel really ill  he desapperated to Hogwarts medical wing. Severus sent a quick patronus to Albus saying it's Pablo who desapperated into Hogwarts. Albus received the patronus and headed to the hospital wing and saw Pablo and asked "What's wrong with you?" Pablo replied "Well, my time is up, I am leaving this world." Severus arrived with their son and asked "Why did you leave so suddenly?" Pablo replied "Today is the day that I leave for a bit then return far in the future." Albus asked "That means you are a time traveller and Pablo is not your true name?" Pablo said "Correct, I guess my Occlumency powers are weakening if you can work that out." Severus was shocked and asked "Does that mean you are my future husband?" Pablo replied "Yes, I traveled to the past to save my future and you." Aberforth arrived and said "I guess the weaker you are your shield will go down, I am sorry I forgot to mention that." Pablo said "Thanks, I wish I had known that sooner." Aberforth felt guilty. Albus looked at his brother and asked "Brother you know exactly who Pablo is?" Aberforth said "Yes but I have been sworn to secrecy until the time is right when Pablo returns. I'll tell all about what happened." 

Later that night Pablo was weak he faded away and a wizard was on the bed no more. Albus was surprised how Pablo faded away and look at Severus and said "When you start aging then we'll know who your soulmate is and maybe the mystery of Pablo." Severus said "Yeah, I didn't want to tell him but his Brother Tom he adopted is on his way to become head Minister of magic." Albus was shocked "Wow maybe Tom will make the rule that a werewolf can teach at Hogwarts." Severus said "I would like that hopefully when Harry starts his first year Remus will be Professor." 

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