Chapter 48 A surprise

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During the summer Harry studied more and more. Harry was ready to become an auror or a professor, he couldn't decide, Harry knew that he enjoyed teaching more than making sure wizards and witches were behaving themselves.

Harry had a big party at home, his aunt, uncle and nephew celebrated with Harry, as well as Sirius and Remus and some of his close family members.  Too Harry's surprise, Daniel showed up with Severus and Tom Riddle, Harry said "Thanks for coming on this lovely day to celebrate me turning seventeen, I can't believe it."  During the festivities there were lots of good chatting,  fun and games.  Harry wandered over to Snape and Daniel and said "Wow I can't believe this day." Daniel said "I am glad you and Severus are enjoying each company." Harry said "Well it's like destiny can't keep us apart, I hope in time you'll call me dad as well as Severus or stepdad technically." Daniel laughed and said "I'll get used to it."a small elf appeared and said "I heard it's Harry potter birthday so me and a giant called Hagrid made you this cake." Harry was surprised to see Dobby at his party and he looked the flat pink icing cake with 'Happy Birthday Harry' in blue writing.   

The big oaf Hagrid appeared and said "Sorry I might have sat on it, that's why I asked Dobby here to bring you the cake." Harry said "Thanks very much."  Then suddenly Harry felt a little unwell and looked at Hagrid,  asking  "Did you not sent me a cake on my eleventh birthday?" Hagrid replied "Nope I certainly didn't." 

Snape could see some of Pablo's past  seeping into Harry's mind, he walked up to Harry and said "The thing I mentioned, you might have temporary new memories, until the actual event happens." Harry said "Wow that's cool and odd at the same time, why do I have these memories?" Snape said "It's because you are more connected to Pablo than the rest of us, you'll experience the change more than anyone else." Harry said "That's awesome I can't believe I get to experience Pablo memories first hand."

The night arrived and everyone left the party.  Remus had not been counting the days for the full moon.  He looked at the night sky, it was indeed a full moon and nothing seems odd.  Remus didn't feel the urge to change.  He looked at Sirius and said "Look Padfoot, I haven't changed, Moony is dormant." Sirius couldn't believe his eyes and said "Wow, this is incredible, I can't believe Ron and Snape's potion worked." Harry look at his dad friends and smiled.  Then suddenly he had another memory, they were in an old abandoned house talking about how it was Peter the framed someone and Snape barged in and thought how brilliant to catch them red handed, then himself disarmed a teacher, Hermione was cross. Harry returned to the present and decided to go to bed, he went upstairs and fell asleep.

In the morning Harry got up, had breakfast as normal, his head unexpectedly felt like it was splitting in two, he said "Owww! mum, dad, I got a really bad headache." James said "Well that means you are getting ready for the major event. You need to calm your mind." Harry did as he was told, then  another memory surfaced of  when he was really young, a hooded figure was standing in front of his mother and killed her.

Harry returned to the present and cried, "I don't want to know how Pablo coped, he lost both his parents as a baby and somehow survived." Lily asked "How do you know this Harry?" Harry replied "I just saw it with my very own eyes." James said "Oh well we need to get you to Hogwarts before September." Lily, James, Harry and Adrian quickly floo'ed to Dumbledore, saying "we're  coming through the fire place." Dumbledore was okay with that so all four arrived at Hogwarts.

Snape was there, he carried Harry to the exact same bed that Pablo had used, Snape comforted Harry "Don't worry Harry, everything going to be all right I 'll explain in the morning." Harry was on the bed, his headache was settling and said "Somehow this bed calms me down so quickly, I don't understand, every time I got got hurt I would asked Pomfrey to allow me to lie on this bed and no other." Snape said "Aah that means you subconscious knows thing better than you actual mind." Harry rested and fell into a better sleep than he had in a long while. A spirit went straight inside Harry and when he woke he saw Snape still there and said "I must have done something good." Snape said "yeah you did, are you okay Harry?" Harry replied "Yeah I am just waiting for my mind to catch up with this world." Snape said "Aah you are Pablo at the moment." Harry said "That's correct good to meet you again."

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