Chapter 26 sevent year full

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A/N I always find seventh year the shortest year to write.
Pablo and Severus called their son Daniel. They got used to being parents, it came second nature to them. Daniel's personality was slowly approaching. Severus was studying how to be the best potion teacher, he learned a lot of potions that some teacher didn't know about.

During the summer James and Lily started dating. Their parents were okay with this. James's dad was shocked about their patronus and said "You pair are so unique, I loved it." Lily blushed and so did James he said "Thanks dad."

Narcissa and Lucius started dating they had so many things in common even Lucius's dad approved and said "You pair are perfect, son you really want to go into teaching languages?" Lucius said "Yeah that makes me happy in life." Lucius dad and mother was very pleased and help him in his study and was surprised how much knowledge he knew about other languages.

When school started Severus and Pablo took Daniel to school. They had a private nursery where a house elf would help them out.  Severus asked "Which elf would help out?" Pablo called "Dobby." and the elf appeared right away Pablo said "This is my son with Severus we would like you to look after him while I teach and Severus learns his final year."  Dobby said "I would love to master it would be my pleasure." Severus said "What a lovely elf." Pablo said "Thanks, I am going to give him to either the school or a new family." Severus said "What a lovely thought, maybe the Malfoy's or James and Lily." Pablo replied "Maybe, I don't know yet." 

Severus left and went to class. Pablo stayed behind and said "Dobby, Do you recognize  if two wizard look alike?"  Dobby replied "Well sir as an elf we do have a perfect memory if you mean if another person in the future comes along and looks like you but not your name , then I won't hesitate and say you look like my old master." Pablo was worried and said "What are the chances of that happening." Dobby said "Very rarely if it does I promise not do something silly." Pablo said "Thank you, please look after Daniel he means the world to me."   Pablo began teaching the first year about beginners magic.

All the students enjoyed learning everything  they could they even got Disapperation lessons outside of Hogwarts they learned it quite quickly. They even learned about the unforgivable curses which no wizard should go through. They learned basic aura training as well as teaching Severus got to know professor Slughorn better and better.  He asked "Should I be as stern as Pablo was on my first day?" Slughorn said "Yeah definitely maybe you can scare a student to make you as a Boggart."

During the winter all students studied for their O.W.L.S test not surprising Severus got outstanding in Defence and Potions and Herbiology. Pablo was so pleased with the results he could burst with happiness. Dumbledore was more proud and said "Yes defiantly you'll take over Slughorn's place when you turn twenty one." Severus was so happy he said ""Can my favourite house elf Winky help babysitting while I teach?" Albus said "Of course she can I thought Pablo will be helping you?" Severus replied "Well when I turn twenty one Pablo has to go somewhere else he won't tell me. I tried to convince him not to go but he has to." Pablo came into the room and said "Did someone say my name?" Albus said "That would be me why do you have to leave in five years time?" Pablo said "Well truth is that I was on a mission and five years time I will of completed the mission. Don't worry in the future I'll explain everything." Albus and Severus agreed to leave it at that but were still curious. Albus was determined to find the bottom of the mystery.

It was end of the year everyone went on the train to go home.

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