Chapter 36 Hermione Discovery

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Hermione did a lot of research during the break. She didn't find much more information so she decided to write a letter to the ministry of magic Tom Riddle she wrote (Dear Minister Riddle, My name is Hermione Granger and I am a student at Hogwarts, why I am sending you a letter is because I would like more information of a friend of yours Pablo Jay Huntington. From Hermione.)

 An owl sent the letter to the office and Tom read the letter and was amused by the letter, he wrote back (Dear Miss Granger, thank you for send me a letter and to answer your question I knew Mr Harrington since I was a child, when I was eleven and he was sixteen he had a curse he was actually thirty three years old. He taught me everything about magic, when we arrived at Hogwarts and went to get sorted I went into Slytherin and when the hat went on Pablo's head the hat said this boy is not sixteen, he needs a different house. Which shocked all the Professors. The headmaster at the time took Pablo to his office and they discussed how Pablo had a curse and was old enough to be a Professor. Sometime later he became a teaching assistant then he became a Professor. There was a war going on and an evil wizard called Gellert Grindelwald was causing havoc. Professor Dumbledore and Pablo battled him and at the end of the battle he became pregnant by the hands of Grindelwald. Some years later Pablo started to age because his soulmate was born I believe it's your potion Professor Snape that was Pablo's soulmate and the details of how Pablo vanished is something I don't know. From Minster Tom Riddle) 

An owl sent this back to Hermione, she read it twice and was fully interested and  went to show Harry and Ron who also read the letter Harry was confused and said "That means Pablo and Snape aren't fully soulmates because Pablo's patronus was an owl not a Stag." Hermione said "I am going to ask Snape about the disappearance of Pablo because Minister Tom didn't have a clue." Harry asked "May I come with you?" Hermione replied "Yeah I would like the company."

They walked to the potion master's office and knocked on the door Snape answered the door and said "Come inside."Hermione and Harry sat on the couch Hermione said "I sent a letter to minister Riddle, I asked him about Pablo Harrington, he told them about how they met and about there experience in Hogwarts and the Grindelwald war, but I didn't get anything about his disappearance."  

Snape said "I knew my past would come back to haunt me, yes I did know Pablo, he and me were great friends. He used to pick on me in class so I would be smarter, I was told about his condition that he couldn't age beyond sixteen until he met someone who can break the cure. When I turned sixteen he spoke to me privately he told me that I broke the curse and Grindelwald cursed him that when the curse broke he would be the first wizard to become pregnant and he delivered a healthy boy, we called him Daniel. Then he told me that he would become ill and he would have to leave the world and then the fateful day came he went to the hospital wing and both the Dumbledore brothers were there to see him disappear from the world."

Hermione was very pleased with the story. Harry was super impressed with the story, he asked "Albus and Aberforth were there to see Pablo disappear?" Snape nodded and replied "Yes that's how I believe Pablo and Aberforth somehow knew each other for a long time." Hermione was surprised and said "Thank you I think next me and Harry are going to have a word with Aberforth, then maybe the headmaster."

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