Chapter 6 Tom's winter

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During the winter holidays Tom read a lot in the library. He loved defense of the dark arts. Pablo saw Tom in the Library and asked, "How are classes going for you?" Tom said, "Great. Professor Dumbledore is really a great teacher. He's always friendly with all the students and concerned about everyone's well-being. I think he might make headmaster one day." Pablo said, "That would be something. If me and him defeat Grindelwald then maybe we might have a chance." Tom asked, "Really? There's a war going on then? Wow that's shocking." Pablo smiled at the fact that Tom said that. Pablo asked, "I don't suppose you know how to break a blood pact?" Tom replied, "No but if I had to do something like that I would put in another person's blood to counteract with the two bloods inside." Pablo's eyes went wide and said, "Tom you are a genius! Why didn't I think of that?" They both rushed to Dumbledore's office and knocked on the door. Dumbledore allowed them to enter. He said, "Pablo and Tom what a lovely surprise, what can I do for you?" Pablo said, "Tom is a genius. He solved the blood pact problem." Albus was so relieved. He asked, "Really? What do we need to do?" Tom said, "We need to use someone else's blood to counteract the two bloods in the vial." Dumbledore said, "Brilliant! Then I just need someone who is is AB- because I am O+ and Grindelwald is B-." Pablo said, "We're so lucky I am here right now because I am AB- and I am stronger." Dumbledore said, "Wonderful. let's get started and get rid of this blood pact so I can actually fight Grindelwald." Pablo and Dumbledore did some magic and made the blood pact disappear and exist no more. Dumbledore was so pleased he said, "Now we have a fighting chance thank you Pablo and Tom." Pablo and Tom left the office and went to their rooms. Tom studied some more about why he could talk to snakes and found out that his family goes back to Salazar Slytherin's time. He was shocked and surprised and he then told his classmates. They were all impressed. One boy said, "That's why the hat put you in Slytherin. He saw your family tree." Tom said, "Yeah but it doesn't explain why my mother married a muggle. All of her past family members were pure bloods." One girl said, "Maybe because she was sick of her family's ways and decided to show muggles are the same as us." Tom never thought of that before and replied, "Thank you."

As soon as night time arrived everyone went to bed.
Pablo was staying up and constantly wondering how the war ended and if he can cope with not getting involved in his parents lives.
Dumbledore wrote a letter to Newt saying that a new student and staff member worked out the blood pact and now he can prepare to fight Grindelwald.
Newt replied back instantly and said 'great news. Okay we need to find a good place to do a show down. Who's better - Grindelwald or you? We need to prepare interesting news about the new staff member and student that manage to work out the blood pact. I would certainly like to meet them'. 

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