chapter 9 third year

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A/b this might not be in the right year but I need it to happen sooner that later in the story.

Through out the summer Grindelwald was secretly practicing how to talk to snakes if the rumors were true that real live Basilisk was living under Hogwarts and it can only be controlled by parceltounge. Imagine the army he could build. Grindelwald searched for the Gaunt family tree to see if there's a quicker way to speak the ancient language, he came across an old member called Morfin Guant. Grindelwald knocked on the door. Morfin allowed him in. He asked "What do you want?" Grindelwald said "Aah you do know me good, I want to know how to speak parceltounge." Morfin laughed "Only a Gaunt member can speak our language but this locket will help you." Grindelwald said "Thanks, what's the catch of takings this locket?" Morfin said "There's a muggleborn in the school and my cousin is there as well, the Gaunt family hates muggleborns." Grindelwald nodded "sounds like fun."

Tom's third year was very interesting, he met a half giant in diagon alley saying he's starting Hogwarts this year. The giants name was Rubeus Hagrid. Pablo was really impressed, he said "Wonderful to meet you I am Pablo, the teachers aide." Rubeus said "Thanks I am awfully excited, my parents were so proud that I got a letter." Tom said "You are going to love it, I got a huge snake as a friend I have been teaching him how to behave." Rubeus said "Wow, I kinda don't like snakes but I love spiders they are amazing." Tom said "There's a pet shop near by maybe I could buy you a spider as a pet." Pablo was speechless by what Tom offered for Rubeus. He smilied and said "What a wonderful suggestion, let's buy him one." Rubeus, Tom and Pablo went into the pet shop and bought Rubeus an Acromantula. The shop owner said "That he'll grow big and strong. Rebeus named him Aragog. Pablo was shocked by how tiny and cute this spider was and knew if his friend Ron was here he would be freaking out. Everyone headed home.

On the train ride Tom was looking at how the defenses spell can help and work in a pinch at battles a spell called Expelliarmus was very useful spell.

The first years got sorted. Rubeus was sorted into Slytherin, Pablo was surprised and another surprise was that Dumbeldore wasn't going to be taking deference this year. It was a temporary staff member called Professor Garett Bagshot. He was an interesting person Pablo thought he must be related to Bathilda Bagshot which was great. He was curious of him. Tom couldn't wait to see how he does his classes.
Professor Bagshot's classes were a lot similar to Dumbledore's classes which Tom liked the most. The Professor said "Tom wait after class." Tom did as he told he asked "Why am I here sir?" Bagshot said "Well I think you have potential and related to the Gaunt family, they are amazing members." Tom said "You know my family, wow cool how do you know them?" Bagshot said "Well I met one called Morfin he said that muggleborns are the problem and a basilisks can solve the problem." Tom asked "Can you speak parcel tongue?" Professor Bagshot replied "Yeah I have learned it quite quickly, and was wondering where the chamber is?" Tom said "I cannot tell you, because you need to find it yourself if you want to find the chambers." Professor Bagshot asked one more question "What do you think of muggleborns?" Tom replied "I think they are just like any other wizard. I see nothing wrong with them." Professor Bagshot smiled at that comment and said "See you after the holidays." Tom said "Good luck and good bye and see you after the winter holidays."

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