Chapter 23 fifth winter

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During the winter James and his friends were learning how to be an animal. James found out he would be a stag just like his patronus charm which surprised him. When his friends told him Peter's form was a rat it didn't surprise him as much as his friends. He said "I asked my family if they have experience with animagus and they said that they were always in the rodent family when any family member found out their animagus." Sirius was a big fluffy black dog and when he returned to his wizard form his friends were so shocked and James said "Your animagus is scary it's a big fluffy black dog it looks like death." Sirius gulped and said "Maybe I needed to ask my family members why I turned into a black dog." All three nodded, so Sirius wrote them a letter saying that he's a black dog for animagus and asking if it is normal. His dad replied back quickly and said "yeah it's perfectly natural because our family always go with the things that scare anyone plus it proves you are meant to be in Slytherin." Sirius was annoyed with his answer and told his friends. Remus said "Maybe the scary dog would calm the werewolf in me." Sirius laughed and said "If that's true then that would be awesome and I can rub it in my dad face saying my black dog helps my friends."
So for the next week they perfected the animagus spell. Lily was curious so she asked James "What have you been up to, your friends have been so distant?" James said "We were just trying animagus to help Remus he's kind of in trouble." Lily was extremely curious. She asked Remus "What's wrong with you?" Remus smiled and said "I am turning into a werewolf in a couple days and my friends have been practicing the animagus spell and potion." Lily was so shocked and said "Awesome! Is my theory right that James's animagus is a stag?" Remus gulped and said "Yeah, how did you know?" Lily said "Well it's believed that your patronus is what your animagus is." Remus was surprised about the comment and said "Well that explains why my patronus is a wild dog. I found out during the summer time when I was too hyper to sleep."  Lily laughed and said "Well your boggart is a full moon that explains a lot." Remus said "It was like everything around me knew it was going to turn out like this." The boys practiced all week and finally they were able to transform. The second full moon was about to rise and then Remus was outside turning into a werewolf. His body got stronger and his fur was grey and his eyes were bright yellow. He looked at his friends and they had already changed. The black dog said "Hey buddy how are you?" Remus said "This is fantastic, I want to go and play." The animals played the whole night away. They arrived at the abandoned shack and the stag said "This is the abandoned building, it looks fully decorated." The rat laughed and said "James you are being silly, no it doesn't it looks really old." They played in the shack the whole night. In the morning everyone was in separate rooms and magically put their clothes on. James was first to say "This shack is fully decorated, I was right when I was a stag." Remus said "It looks completely fine there's nothing here." The boys went back to their dorm. Elsewhere, Pablo was practicing his patronus charm and finally it appeared. It wasn't his stag it was a snowy owl like his own owl Hedwig.  He was pretty sure it would be stag so he was super confused and asked Dumbledore. He said "My patronus is different I thought it would be a stag to prove I was Severus's soulmate?" Dumbledore said "Well show me lad what is it?" Pablo showed Dumbledore and again it was a snowy owl. Dumbledore was curious and asked "Does this owl mean anything to you?" Pablo went guilty and said "Yeah, a long time I lost her." Dumbledore said "Well that's the problem you are thinking of someone you lost and loved that's why it's representing an owl." Pablo said "That's fantastic, I thought my patronus was going to be a stag to convince Severus that he and I are soulmates." Dumbledore said "Aah I see your problem, just tell him that when Grindelwald cast the spell you thought your soulmate was him and in fact we are soulmates but you are not his future soulmate." Pablo loved that solution and said "Thanks I will tell him that when the problem comes forward." During the rest of the year nothing much more happened. Then the train arrived and everyone went home for the summer.

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