Chapter 49 a discovery

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A/N I liked the curse child and Delphini I needed to add her my story.

Pablo looked around the hospital wing, he was still getting used to wearing glasses again.  A voice inside his head said  " I am am Pablo this is incredible." Pablo said "Aah I can have conversations with this Harry, that's going to be interesting."  Harry said "Your world has changed a lot.  Mum and dad are alive and we have younger brother called Adrian. Remus and Sirius are still alive and well, Remus can maintain his humanity when being a werewolf, even to  teach for a while. Draco can speak Parcel-tongue, Tom Riddle is the minster of magic."  Pablo was overwhelmed with the new information and new memories. He said "Wow I didn't think the world would change this much." Harry said "oh my gosh that means Daniel is my kid." Pablo replied "Yeah that's right how is Daniel?" Harry replied "He's was Slytherin but acted like a Gryffindor which is really funny." Pablo laughed and said "That's hysterical, our genes must be typically ironic, that what ever house at Hogwarts our family are in, we act the complete opposite." 

Aberforth came in the hospital wing and said "Welcome home Pablo. Great world you have created." Pablo said "Yeah, you ready to give everyone my original world memories." Aberforth said "Yes let's get started." Harry used the wand and said "Memoir restoir memories." 

A big yellow light came out the wand and vanished all around the castle and the whole world. Ron and Hermione were zapped with new memories and rushed to find Harry. They arrived together and Ron said "Harry, what with the memories?" Pablo said "Well I am not your Harry at the moment I am Pablo, and the memories you received was my past and why I time traveled." Hermione said "Oh my gosh, I was right about you all along." Pablo said "Yeah, that's correct." Ron said "I can give you the best surprise ever, say Headwig." Pablo said "Funny request but okay, Headwig." Then a snowy owl landed on his arm and hooted at him.  Pablo's tears poured down his face and said "Hello old girl." Hermione said "You thought that was cool, your animagus is a snowy owl." Pablo said "You are joking me on, really? oh my gosh." Pablo rememered the spell and instantly turned into a snowy owl and then back into human form "Why didn't you tell me?" Harry said "Well I got Headwig as a graduation present from Hagrid and we learned animagus during my sixth year." Pablo returned smiling so hugely and asked "Can this day get any better?" 

Then Lily, James and Adrian arrived and saw Harry, James said "I guess you are getting used this world Pablo." Pablo looked at James and replied "Yeah dad it's so strange and wonderful." Adrian said "It's so weird having memories of your other life and I was never there and you were having a relationship with Ginny but now I am." Pablo said "Well yeah, I was thing about having a relationship with Ginny, but my heart wasn't ready, I lost too much to even think about starting anything romantic." 

Tom, Daniel and Bellatrix arrived by floo and Tom said "I received new memories of someone who looks like me but entirely evil." Pablo said "Sorry Tom I realise you have changed the most." Tom smiled and said "Wow it's pretty incredible, thanks for making me the best person I can be." Bellatrix said "Oh I didn't marry Tom and married Rodolphus Lestrange how weird." Pablo gasped in shock and said "Okay I didn't see that coming." Tom said "Yeah my wonderful wife and our child is starting Hogwarts this year which is going to be awesome, her name is Delphini." Pablo said "Wow this is the perfect world." 

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