Chapter 11 fourth year

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During Tom's Fourth year he got to know Professor Slughorn really well and started to ask question about being a teacher. Slughorn was very grateful about the questions and asked one question "Do you think Dippet would hire you as a teacher?" Tom thought for a moment and said "Yeah, definitely! I think if I show him my year plan for first year to sixth year to learn then yeah, I think he would like it." Slughorn asked "What would be your understanding about muggleborn students?" Tom replied "I think it needs to be taught more, I mean, did you know that a half blood or full blood students get information about the school and an idea how to find each classroom?" Slughorn said "No, I didn't know that. How interesting! How would you sort that problem ?" Tom replied "Simple! I would give the muggleborn and their parents a private tour of the building before term even started." Slughorn gasped at that reply, he said "Wow that's incredible idea. You should tell Dippet that idea right away!" They both marched to the headmaster's office and waited to enter and the gargle let them enter. Slughorn and Tom sat on a couch and Dippet asked  "What are you two doing here?" Slughorn said "Well, Tom here has a wonderful idea for muggleborn student." Dippet was very interested and said "Tom, could you please tell me your idea?" Tom said "Well, my suggestion is, since half and full blood get a leaflet about the school and muggleborn have to wait until they arrive at school, I was wondering if there's a way for the new muggleborn student and parents come to the school and have a tour and show where the classes for a first year would be." Dippet loved that idea "That is brilliant, what a terrific idea!" Dippet fire called Dumbledore and he arrived straight away and saw Slughorn and Tom in the headmaster's office, he asked "What are Tom and Slughorn doing here?" Dippet said "Well, Tom here gave the best idea to sort out our mugglenorn getting lost between classes." Dumbledore said "Okay, explain to me!" Tom explained his idea and how great it could work. Dumbledore absolutely loved that idea and said"Once the war is over I will get straight on that and put that idea into motion."

During the winter holidays Tom studied about Dementors and how to protect themselves. He asked Pablo "Why don't patronus charm be taught at Hogwarts? Pablo said "I haven't got a clue, it would be useful and you need your happiest memory. Maybe you should suggest it to Dumbledore." Tom walked over to Dumbledore office and went inside. He asked "Why is the patronus charm not taught at Hogwarts?" Dumbledore said "I don't know, what a great suggestion! Fine, during your second half of fifth year we going to practice that spell." Tom bravely asked "What about first half sir?" Dumbledore said "That would be a boggart." Tom gulped and read about them and said "Great, that's one class I won't be looking forward to."
The winter holidays finished and end of term arrived and everyone went home.

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