Chapter 5 Tom first year in Hogwarts

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A/N for each school time for Tom it's only going to last two chapters depended on how much I decided to write for each year.

The first of September arrived very fast. Pablo showed him where the train station was and the platform. They went on board and Tom asked "Pablo, why did we travel so far away just to go right back?" Pablo replied, "Well it would be suspicious if we didn't need to arrive by train." Tom understood that. He was treated like any other first year and so was Pablo. They both arrived at the castle by boat and were greeted by McGonagal. Pablo thought 'Wow that's younger McGonagal! She looks great for her age and looks better than when I first meet her'. McGonagal said, "Welcome First years and newcomers. Please go inside and wait to be sorted into your house. The houses are Godric Griffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuf and Rowena Ravenclaw. Treat these houses like you would any family member."

Everyone walked inside. Lots of students were first up to sit on the chair and seemed frightened of the talking hat. Tom was fascinated. He said to Pablo, "He looks weird. So he reads my mind and picks my house?" Pablo nodded. McGonagal said, "Riddle, Tom." Tom walked forward and sat on the chair. The sorting hat said, "Interesting mind you have, and a very interesting brother. I can't wait to meet him. But where to put you? I know. SLYTHERIN!" Pablo clapped and then a minute later McGonagal said, "Harrington, Pablo." Pablo walked forward and sat on the chair. The sorting hat was placed on his head and started to talk to Pablo. He said, "Wow, what a mind! It's fantastic. But you're not a Ravenclaw, because you would exceed them all and be bored quickly. You're not in Hufflepuff because you understand loyal far too much, and you're not in Gryffindor because you have way too much courage for that house. You're cunning is remarkable for a Slytherin and - wait a minute - you are not 16. You are 33! That's why your mind so powerful and unique." Then the hat said, "FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY CAREER THIS WIZARD CAN'T BE IN A HOUSE HE'S NEEDS HIS OWN ROOM."
Dippet said, "Impossible! Put the hat on my head!" The hat was placed on Dippet's head and Dippet asked, "Why can't Pablo be in a house?" The hat said, "He may look 16 but he's not. He's more like 33. He's got a family curse that keeps him 16 until his soulmate is born." Dippet was surprised and announced to the school, "Mr Harrington is going to be a teacher aide until I think he's worthy enough to graduate from school." Pablo sat down on a small extra table. Dippet said to Pablo, "Come to my office the password is 'nifflers are adorable'."
A few minutes later Pablo went to Dippet's office and said the password. The door opened and he went inside he was shocked to see the difference between Dippet's office and Dumbledore's office. Dippet said, "Ah Pablo. Glad you could find my office, what do you think of the school?" Pablo said, "Really stunning. It's beautiful and amazing. Your office is quite unique." Dippet replied, "Thanks, I love the office because it changes according to each headmaster's preference. For example; I like magical creatures so my office contains all the best magical creatures books." Pablo understood now why Dumbledore had lots of defense books, seeing how he was a defense teacher. Pablo asked, "I heard rumours that there's a war going on. Is it true?" Dippet replied, "Yes it's true. Actually, since you're so talented, would you mind helping Albus champion over Grindelwald?" Pablo said, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Dippet challenged Pablo on all the different charms, potions, transfigurations and dark arts that you're supposed to learn in school. Pablo got everything right and the school gave Pablo his own room near the Slytherin common room.

In the common room Tom was getting settled in for the night. He was talking with his fellow Slytherin about all the different classes they would be taking. He was looking forward to potions in the morning.

Morning arrived early and everyone had breakfast before heading to class. Tom's first class was potions. Professor Slughorn said to Tom, "Where would you find a bezoar?" Tom said, "Inside a goats stomach, sir." Professor Slughorn was very impressed.
Tom was enjoying all the different classes then soon enough the winter holiday's arrived.

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