Chapter 34 Adrian Sorting and rest of Second year.

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Everyone got off the train and headed to Hogwarts. Once everyone was in their seats, sorting began. Adrian was sorted into Gryffindor and so was Ginny. Ron asked, "Should we tell Dumbledore what you and Draco can do?" Harry replied, "Maybe, but not yet." Draco passed a note to Potter saying "do you want to find the legendary Snake?" Harry wrote back saying, "Yeah but I want your dad to come along." After breakfast Harry and Draco went to Lucius' office and knocked on the door. Lucius opened the door and said, "Ah Draco and Harry, what can I do for you boys?" Draco replied, "Dad, since me and Potter here can speak Parceltounge can we go find Salazar's pet snake?" Lucius said, "Wow, interesting idea, I shouldn't say yes but I really want to. So yes, as long I get permission from Dumbledore. Stay here and I'll be back in a minute." Lucius headed to the headmaster's office and said, "Headmaster, Potter and my son want to see the Basilisk and want to know if I can go with them?" Dumbledore said, "Great idea! But please take Severus along with you since he's a Parceltounge as well. Just so the snake knows you aren't a threat." Lucius accepted this term and went to find Severus. He was in his room. Lucius said, "Hey Severus, the headmaster wants me and you to take Draco and Harry to the secret chambers." Severus asked, "Why Draco and Potter?" Lucius said, "Since they are both parceltongues, that's why." Severus laughed and said, "Wow so because James learned the language, his kid has learned the language. Oh well, my theory works." Lucius was happy and went back to the room. He said "I have good news and bad news. The good news is; you can go. The bad news is; Severus has to join us." Harry asked, "Why does professor Snape have to go?" Lucius replied, "Because he's a parceltounge as well." Harry was surprised and said, "Okay, I guess I can learn to enjoy the company."
All four arrived at the bathroom and everyone looked for the snake to open the hidden door. Harry and Draco found the snake on the sink and said 'open' together. It opened and big round black circle appeared. All four were amazed. Harry asked, "How do we get down there?" Lucius replied, "I think Tom said 'stairs' in parceltounge." Draco did what his dad told him to do and magically stairs appeared. They all walked down the stairs in the pitch black. Severus shouted, "LUMOS MAXIMA." And suddenly everything was visible. Harry looked at the ground and asked, "Is this basilisk skin on the ground?" Severus replied, "Yes, that's correct. There's another door at the end of this hallway. Let's go."' They all walked to the door and opened the door. Behind it lay a big basilisk which said, "What are you doing how here?" Harry was the one to answer, "We wanted to meet the famous mortedolv." The snake was impressed and replied, "You all speak my language?" Severus replied, "Yes, your friend Tom taught us, he's a good wizard." The snake said, "I am glad Grindelwald is locked away. And I heard Pablo become pregnant?" Severus said, "That's true. He's gone now." The Snake asked, "Can you do a patronus the way my Tom could?" Severus said, "Yeah, I'll show you." Severus did the patronus charm and a beautiful doe appeared. Harry was surprised and without warning a stag appeared next to him. Draco and Lucius were shocked. Severus asked, "Where did that stag come from?" Harry blushed and said, "I'm sorry. I have been trying to control him." Severus said, "It's okay, when two people in the same room have the same patronus but opposite gender, it's normal for it to happen." Harry asked, "Does that mean anything?" Severus replied, "No it's just coincidence." Harry was relieved, meanwhile Lucius was concerned and Draco simply didn't understand the significance. Everyone left the chambers and headed to their dorms. Tucked away in his office, Dumbledore sensed something was wrong. He went to Severus' chambers and asked, "What's wrong?" Severus replied, "It's true. Harry's my soulmate. I saw his patronus." Dumbledore was impressed and said, "Well, over the summer break you better have a meeting with James." Severus said, "Okay, headmaster but it's not going to go well."

Everyone entered main hall had breakfast and went on the train to go home for another year.

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