Chapter 45 Discussions and classes

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In the headmaster's office Snape sat on a seat and said "Well me and Harry had the talk. It went really well, he already had a feeling about the soulmate thing so that was easier for me but he's curious what's happening to him next year." Dumbledore said "That's a relief about the soulmate and I cannot believe the major thing is happening next year. I am not ready." Snape said "How do you think I feel or Harry because he's not going to understand he's Pablo and it was his future he wanted to change." Dumbledore said "Well when that day arrives I want to ask him why he wanted to change his past?" Snape said "Excellent question, Harry and Hermione didn't ask that question. I was hoping they would and that was what date did Pablo leave?" Dumbledore said "I was relieved when they did ask the question." Snape said "I also told Harry if his friend Hermione works something out come and find me."

The first class was charms. Professor Flickwick said "Now sixth years this term you'll be practicing wand-less magic this year. The most difficult is the spell acio but that spell is difficult for different reasons. Alohomora is the most interesting spell to do wand-less magic." Draco said " yeah Alohomora is difficult because some wizards put difficult locking charms on the door." Ron said "When you learn acio spell wand-less can you acio someone else's is wand?" Flickwick said "No unless you have disarmed your opponent first."  Everyone practiced acio and Alohomora. Flickwick was right about how difficult the charms were. Next was break.

 Hermione went to the library to search what happens to wizard when they turn seventeen, she found nothing which was odd then had an epiphany and decided to send a letter to Daniel. She wrote (Dear Daniel, I am Hermione and was wondering when your father left? It's something I wanted to figure out myself. My name is Hermione, plus it's something your father Snape said to Harry that made me rethink who Pablo is. From Hermione.) An owl sent the letter. Daniel was surprised to see Hermione sending him a letter as it was out of the blue. He read the letter and he replied,  ( Dear Hermione, I was six years old when my dad Pablo left. He said to Severus that his time was up and he'll return at some point in the future. It was in September he left, I shouldn't be saying this but Harry Potter was two months old when he left if that helps the year as well. From Daniel.)  Hermione gulped and reread the letter and went straight to defense class. They were learning how to improve your patronus charm and what's the best disarming spell and how to do it wand-less. After class Hermione stayed behind. She walked up to Snape and asked "Professor I was wondering, is there a connection between Harry and Pablo?" Snape smiled and replied "I can't go into full details yet but when next September comes I am sure everyone will find out." 

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