Chapter 35 severus talk with james

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During the summer time Harry and his brother went to the Weasley's. James and Lily were in the house coming up with ideas on how to capture the latest escapee from Azkaban when they both heard a knock at the door. James opened the door to find Severus Snape standing there. James said, "Come inside." Severus went inside and sat on the couch. He said, "The reason I am here is I saw that Harry had a stag for his patronus charm." James was stunned and asked, "If that's true does that make him turn into Pablo?" Severus went guilty and replied, "Yeah plus, you already have a grandchild." James said, "Oh my god that's interesting." Lily said, "I'll say it, welcome to the family." Severus smiled and said, "Thanks Lily, that's very kind of you." James said, "Thanks sweetheart, I cannot wait until Harry finds out." Severus said, "Yeah his sixth year going to be interesting."

During Harry's third year Dumbledore told  everyone that you can study different creatures and learn how to look after them and how it takes a long time time to become an animagus. Harry wanted to know more about Remus being a werewolf. His friends were more interested in Animagus.  Hermione said "Werewolf is something you can't control but animagus is interesting." Ron said "I am more interested in big animals anything but spiders." Harry laughed and said "Maybe Hadgrid can teach you not to afraid of spiders."  Ron said "I highly doubt that I mean he's got a huge spider friend." Hermione said "Yeah I heard the Minister of Magic gave Hagrid the money to get the spider as a baby." Harry said "Yeah Minster Riddle's portrait in the school, it's near the defence classroom." Ron said "I wonder who those two people were." Hermione said "Yeah I heard they were here during the great Grindelwald battle." Harry said "Yeah my dad told me of the legend.  I would have liked to meet Pablo he sounds interesting." Ron said "I wonder what happened to him." Harry said "I wish I'd known but he was gone just after I was born so Professor Snape told me." Hermione said "Yeah it's weird students told me that he doesn't get along well with Gryffindors." Ron said "Wonder what makes you so special." 

They headed on their way to meet Hadgrid by the pond. He was showing off  a marvelous creature called Buckbeak.  Hermione said "This creature is a Hippogriff it has front legs, wings, and head of a giant and the body, hind legs and tail of a eagle. It is very similar to another magical creature, the Griffin, with the horse rear replacing the lion rear." Draco saw this creature and said "He's a proud animal, my father warned me not to get too close." Hadgrid said "Well done Hermione and Draco you are both correct." Harry was the first to bow and somehow the Hippogriff bowed right away.  Harry was stunned and so was the class. Harry got on the Hippogriff's back and flew around the castle. It was breathtaking.  Harry returned and everyone else had a go on Buckbeak, then it was winter time and everyone was busy studying and Hermione said "I am going to do more research on Pablo, because there's not much about him for someone being so famous."

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