Chapter 39 fourth summer

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The start of Harry's summer was interesting. He met Petunia, her husband and their son Dudley. Adrian said, "Hey Dudley, what do you think of the house?" Dudley said, "It's weird." Vernon said, "I understand you are training to be wizards." Harry replied, "Yeah we are, I am sorry it skipped your wife." Vernon asked "Is it rare for two muggle children be muggleborn?" James replied, "Good question, I don't think that has ever been asked before." Harry said, "Wow, now that's a good idea for experiment but unfortunately me and my friend is doing a different subject." Adrian said, "when I turned fourteen I would happy do that as an  experiment, because it would help my original research." Vernon said, "Looking forward to the results."

When students arrived at Hogwarts Hermione hugged her friends and said, "I want to speak to Tom Riddle in person this year." Harry said, "Good idea, then we've spoken to everyone." Ron said, "I had a good summer, I need to ask Lupin something, I'll see you in the dorm room."Ron went to Lupin's office and knocked on the door and had a conversation with Lupin.

Meanwhile Harry and Hermione went to Dumbledore headmaster's study and asked "Is it's possible to speak to Tom in person." Dumbledore sent a message by floo powder. Tom responded right away and was happy for students to visit him in his office. Hermione and Harry stepped through the fire place and found a seat to sit down and Hermione said "Good morning sir I am Hermione Granger, the girl who sent you the letter and this is my friend Harry." 

Tom said "I have been wondering what the person looked like, I guess you have a lot of questions." Hermione nodded and asked "When did you first meet Pablo?" Tom replied "As I said in the letter I was only ten when I met him and he was sixteen, he met me at the orphanage that I grew up in. He saved me, I didn't like the place very much the kids there called me a freak because I can do something they couldn't do. Since Pablo was a mature wizard he could adopt me so we became brothers." Harry was so touched by the story and said "I guess it would have been different if a Hogwarts staff member found and took you to Hogwarts because during the winter you would have to stay there." 

Tom said "Yeah that's true I could be a whole different person then." Hermione had a light bulb moment and said "Oh my god. I understand what Aberforth was talking about." Tom was confussed but not as much as Harry and they looked at her with great confusion. 

Tom looked at Harry and said "I don't think I should say this but you look a lot like Pablo." Harry gasped in shock and asked "Do you have a picture at the age of sixteen?" Tom handed the only picture of him. It was during his first year at home and he handed it to Harry. 

Hermione and Harry looked at the picture and said "I don't really see it." Hermione thanked them for the visit and headed back through the fire place and went to the dorm room.

Ron was already there and said "Lupin was really helpful, my next problem is to speak to Professor Snape." Harry gulped and said "Good luck mate."

In Tom's office he sent a letter to Professor Snape and said (Dear Snape, I just met Harry potter and I hate to say this but he looks a lot like Pablo. From Tom.)

Snape read the letter and said (Dear Tom , I have noticed, I can't say anything until his sixth year. From Severus.)

Tom read the letter and smiled and was curious if Harry was Pablo all along and it was his job to make sure that he had a good life.

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