Chapter 33 winter and begin of second

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During the winter break Dumbeldore was hard at work. He sorted out the hidden room and made a separate room with a special mirror. He looked into the mirror and it still showed him and Grindelwald being friends at Hogwarts. He smiled. Snape wandered inside and saw Dumbledore looking at the mirror. He walked towards Dumbledore and asked, "Headmaster what are you looking at?" Dumbledore said, "Aah Severus, this is a special mirror. It shows past, present and future. It only shows what could be." Severus looked into the mirror. It showed him his childhood with his mum. It also showed him finding out about Pablo being pregnant and it showed him and Harry having a child together. He was shocked about the future. He asked, "How that possible? It showed me and Harry having a child together." Dumbledore was amused and replied, "I wonder what Harry going to see?" Severus replied, "I dread to think. I really wonder."

During the break Harry was studying up about what professor Snape had said about soulmates. He asked Hermione, "Are soulmates rare?" Hermione replied, "It has been known to be very rare but your mum and dad were patronus soulmates which is rarest than most." Harry also asked, "But two male wizards who have a child and aren't patronus soulmates - is that rare?" Hermione said, "Extremely rare. That's kinda the unluckiest thing to happen." Harry said, "Damn this teacher Pablo had the worst luck possible." Hermione said, "Oh I see that's what's with the questions. I've got one for you too. Why do you and Professor Snape get along so well?" Harry said, "No clue. That's what I want to know too."

Harry Hermione and a bunch of other gryffindors found a room with hidden stairs and did a puzzle. When it came to a potions task, Harry got it correct. They had a mini chess challenge and Ron did well on that challenge. Hermione's challenge was simple. It was how to open doors and luckily she had just finished reading her first year charm book and said, "Alora mora." That was the final challenge and everyone succeeded. Then the rest of the first years tried the challenge too. Draco's challenge was to catch an old key on a broom. He made it look simple.

Then it was end of term. Everyone had dinner and went to bed and in the morning they headed on the train home.

During the summer holidays, Adrian received his letter to go to Hogwarts. He was so excited that he wrote to Ginny and said: 'Dear Ginny, I got my letter. Do you think we'll both be in Gryffindor together? From Adrian Potter.'
Ginny recieved the letter and was also hopeful that they'd be in the same house together.
Minerva and Albus were shocked and Minerva said, "Wow! James and Lily had a second son and they didn't even tell us." Albus said, "Oh bother! Two potters in Hogwarts the same time this is going to be interesting." Severus demanded, "How did this happen? Who is Adrian Potter?" Albus said, "Lily's second child." Severus was shocked and surprised.

The first of September arrived and everyone went on the train. Harry and Ron were talking about the holidays then Harry said, "Did you know that in third year we're supposed to learn the patronus charm?" Ron said, "Yeah it's to get rid of dementors." Harry turned shy and said, "Well I kinda learned it before our third year. I can show you?" Ron said, "Yeah please, go ahead." Harry said, "Exspecto Patronum."  Then a bright light appeared and out of it came a beautiful stag. Ron was so shocked. He almost fell off his seat. He said, "Harry that's impossible, do you realise how many people can do it at your age?" Harry said, "I know! I am freaking out!" Draco saw the bright light and went to investigate and saw it came from Harry and Ron's compartment. He asked, "What's going on here?" Harry said, "Just practicing things." Ron said, "Yeah, Harry's just done something impossible. He can do a partronus charm." Draco was impressed and said, "Yeah, I managed to do one as well. Plus my Lumos is green when I speak in parceltounge." Harry said, "Yeah I have the same problem but my Lumos is Red." Ron said, "Do you think because you are Parcelmouths that means you can do spells stronger than normal wizards?" Harry said, "There's only one way to find out. Let's do Lumos without our wands." Draco said "I like that challenge." So both wizards said Lumos together and a red and green light shone bright like a Christmas tree. Ron said,+ "Wow you two are impossible."

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